Elixir library for writing regular expressions in functional style.
- Readable and human-friendly.
- Less error-prone.
- 100% compile-time, no overhead in runtime.
- But will fallback to runtime if needed (if you use dynamic content like variables).
- Well documented with lots of examples.
- Optimized and readable output.
The package can be installed by adding re
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:re, ">= 1.0.0"}
iex> require Re
iex> require Re.Chars
iex> regex =
...> Re.sequence([
...> Re.one_or_more(Re.any_of([Re.Chars.any_ascii, Re.any_of('.-_')])),
...> Re.text(".example.com")
...> ]) |> Re.compile()
iex> "hello.example.com" =~ regex
Documentation: hexdocs.pm/re/