Browser-based tic-tac-toe game. Play a game of Tic Tac Toe against the computer.
Demo app here:
Built using HTML, SCSS, CSS, vanilla JavaScript and the Materialize libary.
Current functionalities include:
- An unbeatable AI implemented using the Minimax algorithm.
- A sassy AI 'avatar' who makes comments before and after every move.
- Choose to play as X or O.
- Start a new game after the current game is finished.
Ideas include:
- Include sound-effects on hover, make a move, win or draw states. Will use WebAudio API
- Running stats of CPU wins, draws, and human wins (as if that's possible!)
- Swap the tokens of the players so whoever goes first is X.
Things that made this project possible:
- Original project idea link:
- Materialize CSS library:
- Sassy AI and Minimax implementation inspired by fellow FCC Camper Alex Wilkerson: