Hive's libft project
The aim of this project was to code a C library. It includes standard functions from libc and additional functions.
to compile the library. After that, you can use the libft.a library to compile the projects (make sure you include the libft.h header).
My libft includes all functions and bonus functions and 5 of my own:
- ft_nbs counts how many numbers does the number contain.
- ft_words counts the number of words in a string.
- ft_isupper checks if a char is upper.
- ft_islower checks if a char is lower.
- ft_isblank checks if a char is a tab or a space.
Edit: After completing projects after this, I have added get_next_line and ft_printf to my libft along with some functions I made for those projects (e.g. ft_dtoa and ft_itoa_base)
See subject for details.
ft_lstmap doesn't pass moulinette for some reason, but haven't had time to fix it.