Locate and mark the best restaurants around the world making use of the google cloud services
- Authentication and user accounts using Firebase and Firebase Functions
- Locate top restaurants using interactive maps provided by Google Maps API
- Find restaurants around the glove making use of Google Cloud Services such as places and geocoding API
- Mark your favorites restaurants and navigate between these
- Take profile pictures and save them using async storage
- React Native - Framework
- React Native Maps - Interactive maps
- React Navigation - Routing and navigation
- React Native Paper - Material-UI components
- Expo - Developing and deployment
- Expo Fonts - Allows loading custom fonts
- Expo Camera - Allows usage of front camera
- Lottie - Renders animations
- Async storage - Save data in the phone
- Google Cloud - Google services
- Google Places API - Information about restaurants
- Google Geocoding API - Convert address into coordinates
- Typescript - Type safety
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Lodash - Javascript utilities
- Styled components - CSS in JS
- React Use - React utilities hooks
- Firebase - Authentication and functions
- Clone this repo
- Run
yarn install
- Run
yarn start
- Clone this repo
- Go to functions folder
- Run
yarn install
- Run
yarn serve