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Is an mule example application that retrieves employees from a database and build a REST web service for easy consume on frontend

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Mule application to fetch from a MySQL database to build a REST web service

GET all employees & GET employee by ID using Query Parameters

  • This web service allows to access over HTTP GET method to retrieve data from a MySQL database using Mule tools like Anypoint Studio as the IDE, Mule runtime to host the server and ARDC-Advanced REST Client or Chrome to visualize graphically the HTTP response either from the header or body.

  • Upon retrievement from database, requieres a transfromation from java object to a friendly format such as JSON - Java Script Object Notation using REST- Representational State Transfer as the standard for modern development of API - Application Programming Interface.

  • URLs for the web service:

    • GET all employees :http://localhost:8091/emp-sapi/get-employees
    • GET employee with queryParameter: http://localhost:8091/emp-sapi/get-employee?employeeID=100
  • HTTP response header: 200, OK

  • HTTP response body to GET all employees:

            "id_employee": 1,
            "email_employee": "",
            "status_employee": "Active",
            "name_employee": "Sam"
  • HTTP response body to GET one employee through it's Identification number:

            "id_employee": 1,
            "email_employee": "",
            "status_employee": "Active",
            "name_employee": "Sam"
  • The sql file for the creation of database and table can be found at ./database/creation_employee_db.sql

  • Within the same directory ./database/query&test_user.sql can be found a query sql file to configure our database with a new user and granted access for SELECT operations only over the employee_details table.

    • Contains the following operations:
    SELECT * FROM employee_db.employee_details;
    -- Creation of a test user to use at the configuration XML for Mule application before pushing to github
    CREATE USER 'test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword';
    -- Grant access to our new user for all operations with "SELECT"
    GRANT SELECT ON * . * TO 'test'@'localhost';
    • This test user and password has to be set at ./src/main/mule/rest-serice-fetch-from-mysql-db.xml, which is the configuration XML file for the Mule application at the <db:my-sql-connection> within <db:config> elements of both GET -all employees and GET - employee by ID using query Parameters.

    Analyzing the XML configuration file from the Mule Application

    • All modules and connectors can e found within Anypoint Studio IDE at the Mule Palette: Anypoint Studio Mule Pallette for connectors and modules
    1. A Listener connector from the HTTP module will be use to stablish the base path and the secundary path for the for the connection between server and client:

      <http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" doc:id="df00c62c-4549-4fe0-a0cd-9b98f6198488" basePath="emp_sapi" >
          <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" />
      • basePath attribute from the <http:listener-config> tag is used to set the base path of the URL used for querying by a REST client, example: http://localhost:8091/emp-sapi/, where emp_sapi is the base path.
    2. As a trigger for our Mule application, will be use a SELECT connector from the database module, this will be retrieving data from the database employee_db where employee_details is the table containing the following columns including sample data:

      id_employee name_employee email_employee status_employee
      1 Sam Active
      <db:select doc:name="Select" doc:id="fc101ccd-9e0c-460e-9871-51ac2f6969f4" config-ref="Database_Config">
          <db:sql ><![CDATA[SELECT * FROM employee_details WHERE id_employee= :ID]]></db:sql>
          <db:input-parameters ><![CDATA[#[ID: attributes.queryParams.employeeID]]]></db:input-parameters>
      • <dv:select> is the connector from the Database module where one of its attribute config-ref="Database_Config" uses the following metadata to connect to database:
        • MySQL JDBC Driver
        host: localhost
        port: 3306
        user: test (defined on the sql file ./database/query&test_user.sql)
        Password: test
        database: employee_db
        • Inside of <db:select> there are 2 XML tags:
          • <db:sql>: Is where the SQL commands will be written, uses a special syntax for adding a variable called ID which will later be taken by the Input parameters section.
          • <db:input-parameters>: defines a dynamic value for the SQL query to database taking in consideration in this case of the query Parameters found at the URL using Dataweave 2.0 transformation language.
    3. In order to set a RESTful response, a transformation of data retrieved by the Select connector is needed by using a Transform Message connector, which will parse the input released by the Select connector as a Plain Old Java Object to the out we want to consume by the frontend as a JSON - JavaScript Object Notation.

      • Transform Message uses DataWeave 2.0 transformation language as a way to parse many different data type formats back and fordward, for this example will transform Java linkedHashMap to a JSON.

        <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="8c211c2e-f9ff-43d1-8275-cd02ffc7f4e9" >
            <ee:message >
                <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
                    output application/json
                    payload map ( payload01 , indexOfPayload01 ) -> {
                        employeeID: payload01.id_employee,
                        employeeName: payload01.name_employee default "",
                        employeeStatus: payload01.email_employee default "",
                        employeeEmail: payload01.status_employee default ""
        • <ee:transform> xml tag is the connector for the Transform Message, within 2 more tags are used:
          • <ee:message> contains the payload or the data to be transformed
            • <ee:set-payload> it defines the internal structure to be set for the new payload, the result will be the output achieve at the response body for the REST client.
              • It includes at the head, type of data for the application, this could be json, csv, xml, java and many other types
              • payload contains all data from the input, combine with the map built in function, sets a new payload with an specific payload to output.
              • map uses 3 parameters, the array-object, element of the array, index the element within the array.

DELETE an employee record from the table wih REST operations

This part includes:

  • Read of URI-Uniform Resource Identifier from the mule event.

  • Delete operation for the records based on URI Params delete an employee from employee_details found at employeedb.

  • URL for the web service:

  • HTTP response header: 200 OK.

  • HTTP response body:

        "status": 200,
        "message": "Success"
  • Grant access for test user of the database to all DELETE operations:

    GRANT DELETE ON * . * TO 'test'@'localhost';

    Analyzing the XML configuration file from the Mule Application

    It requieres at least 3 connectors for the flow, HTTP listener (mule event source), Delete (mule event processor) and Transform Message (mule event processor).

    <http:listener doc:name="Listener" doc:id="271604e2-4198-452d-97ea-f6f0102ce5c8" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="delete-employee/{ID}/{NAME}" allowedMethods="DELETE"/>
    1. <http:listener-config> contains several attributes such as path and allowedMethods
      • allowedMethods describes the CRUD- Create Read Update Delete type of operation, which is not set to auto, instead is configure to "DELETE"
      • path="delete-employee/{ID}/{NAME}" contains the URI Parameteres separated with an slash / afyer the sub path which is delete-employee, to access {ID} and {NAME} on Dataweave is using squared brackets as an array:
      attributes.uriParams[0] //=> for the first element which is {ID}
      attributes.uriParams[1] //=> for the second element which is {NAME}

        <db:delete doc:name="Delete" doc:id="40e3034b-5ed6-4932-a8b7-50f44da45cb1" config-ref="Database_Config">
                <db:sql ><![CDATA[DELETE FROM employee_details
                       WHERE id_employee = :ID AND name_employee = :NAME]]></db:sql>
                <db:input-parameters ><![CDATA[#[{
                    ID: attributes.uriParams[0],
                    NAME: attributes.uriParams[1]
    1. <db:delete> XML tag is the Delete processor for the Database module, uses several attributes in which config-ref="Database_Config" refers to the following configuration:
    protocol: http
    host: localhost
    port: 3306
    user: test
    password: ***
    database: employee_db
    • <db:sql> between tags references to the SQL statement for the Delete operation, this one uses some variables like ID and NAME that serves as placeholders for the input URI Parameters from the URL.
      • <db:input-parameters> uses DataWeave 2.0 language to access the Mule event and retrieved metadata input by the client such as id_emloyee & name_employee that is needed to complete the SQL Delete operation.

    <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="32914a29-c82f-400b-9716-7a4c04ea906b" >
        <ee:message >
            <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
            output application/json
                "status": 200,
                "message": "Success"
    1. <ee:transform> XML tag contains the response body for the client.
      • <ee:message> contains the mule event, it contains the metadata as well as data
        • <ee:set-payload> here we can find dataweave definition for the payload or response body for the client, a generic JSON format message is the outpu REST client will receive.


Is an mule example application that retrieves employees from a database and build a REST web service for easy consume on frontend







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