It is my first project about ros and ev3dev. It is only a tutorial project, in fact it is based on the talker/listener ros tutorial. I used this project to learn about:
- ros programming (listener and publisher nodes).
- ev3dev programming (large motor controller).
- use of external libraries (libcwiid).
I created an ev3dev image including ros according to moriarty's project "" (thanks a lot for this project). But I made a little modification in order to run ros_core on ev3dev (view issue #2 of moriarty's project). After that, I used libcwiid in order to connect ev3 and wiimote. Ros already has a wimote node but I have not to use it because it kept busy all CPU time.
Sytem info: Kernel: 3.16.7-ckt21-9-ev3dev-ev3
In order to launch ros automatically at start time I create a small systemd service. It executes a script that configure ROS and launch ev3_wiimote. Next configuration is needed in order to run it:
- ev3_wiimote.lauch --> /home/robot/ev3_ros_robot/
- --> /home/robot/ev3_ros_robot/
- Wiimote.service -->/etc/systemd/system/
NOTE 1: this files use /home/robot/ev3_ros_robot/ as path of the ros workspace directory. Modify this tree files with your current ros worspace directory.
The source code of this project has two ros nodes:
- One node catch wiimote commands and publish them to ros.
- The other node receives the wiimote commands and controls the ev3 motors.