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Presentation :

softSIM is a collection of tools to play with SIM.
It mainly relies on SAP, as abstraction layer to access SIM.
SAP is a implementation of the BTSAP (Bluetooth SIM Access Profile) spec.
Note: while SAP allows to communication with any smart card (SIM, USIM, ...), the tools here only implement ro use the SIM functionalities.

Overview :

Client and server share common constants, functions, message queue handling.
This common part is defined in common.rb.
client.rb is a child of common.rb, it implements the client state machine of SAP.
You mainly have to provide an I/O to connect to the server.
You can then connect, get the ATR, send some APDU, and disconnect.
server.rb is a child of common.rb, it implements the server state machine of SAP
server.rb does not work on it's own, but is an abstract class (it has abstract methods).
You have to implement the connect, disconnect, atr, apdu functions.
You also have to provide an I/O for the server to listen to.
apdu.rb contains general method to abstract SIM commands.

Tools & Demo :

bluetooth_sap_seriali.rb :
- searches for bluetooth SAP servers, connects to it, and return the serial port path (bluez and dbus are used)

demo_client :
- its purpose is to test the client implementation (just the basics)
- use the CLI to indicate the server
- it can use different client (demo, info, copy)
  - demo : only executes some very common APDUs
  - info : displays information stored in the SIM (see info_client.rb)
  - copy : copies the files from the SIM into a XML file (see copy_client.rb)
info_client.rb :
- it reads and displays information stored on the SIM :
  - IMSI
  - OFM
  - services provided
  - some Kc
  - ...
- it's easy to decode more info

copy_client.rb :
- it copies all the files (MF/DF/EF) from the SIM into an XML file
- it's not a clone, as Ki can not be copied (used for the authentication and encryption)
- some authentication triplets are also extracted
- the CHV1/PIN is also saved
- only the body of the files with access condition ALWAYS and CHV1 can be copied, otherwise only the header is saved.

demo_server.rb :
- its purpose is to start the server implementations (sim, pcsc)
- use the CLI to configure it
- a sim.xml SIM file is provided for demonstration and testing purposes, but you can make your own using copy_client.rb

pcsc_server.rb :
- this is a server implementation that uses a classic smart card reader to connect to the SIM (smartcard gem used)

simos_server.rb :
- this provides a softSIM (software SIM)
- it is SIMOS
- the SIM files have to be provided in a xml file

apdu_forward :
- it's just a APDU to SAP wrapped
- it takes APDU from an I/O, acts as a SAP client, connects to a SAP server, gets the response, return the response APDU
- it has been used do use external SIM (or softSIM) with osmocomBB

Requirements :
- ruby 1.8.7
- rubygems and ruby-dev to build some gems
- libdbus-ruby (for bluetooth_sap_serial)
- serialport gem (to use bluetooth_sap_serial,
- smartcard gem (for pcsc_server,, requires libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev libruby)
- libxml-ruby (for sim server)


- it does not implement the functions for the proactive SIM : power_on/off, reset, ...

sim_server :
- not all the commands are implemented (even the PIN verification)
- implement COMP128v1