Contains two separate projects
use ngx_http_autoindex_module module.
location ^~ /bt/ { autoindex on; autoindex_format html; #autoindex_localtime off; charset utf-8; include /etc/nginx/default.d/php71w-fpm.conf; }
use ngx_http_autoindex_module module.
use ngx_http_xslt_module module.
ngx_http_xslt_module support by libexslt. So it can use EXSLT functions.location ^~ /bt/ { autoindex on; autoindex_format xml; xslt_stylesheet /data/www/html/autoindex.xslt cpath="$uri"; #charset utf-8; include /etc/nginx/default.d/php71w-fpm.conf; } # modify variable "TIMEDIFF" in "autoindex.xslt", # time nochange 'PT0H', +8 hour='PT8H', -6 hour='-PT6H'.
File modification time is UTC time. Because only UTC time is provided in the XML file.
You can modify variable "TIMEDIFF" to change display of modify time.