Scanner for Regin Backdoor
Detection is based on four detection methods:
File Name IOC Based on the reports published by Symantec and Kaspersky
Yara Ruleset Based on my rules published on pastebin:
SHA256 hash check Compares known malicious SHA256 hashes with scanned files
File System Scanner for Regin Virtual Filesystems based on .evt virtual filesystem detection by Paul Rascagneres, G DATA Reference:
The Windows binary is compiled with PyInstaller 2.1 and should run as x86 application on both x86 and x64 based systems.
The Yara rules published by Kaspersky are not bundled with this scanner. Extract them from the report and add them to the "regin_rules.yar" rule set to get better results. (Hint: Check the double quote signs " after copy&paste if errors occur)
ReginScanner reports system as clean
ReginScanner with detections
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