Install script
$> cd ~
$> sh install/
It will do following things:
1. Backup original rc files to $HOME/.oldrc(mkdir if not exists).
2. Making new rc files to "$HOME/" .
3. These new rc files are just doing by-pass refernce.
for example $HOME/.bashrc, only one line code in it:
source $HOME/env/bashrc
What are inside?
"vim folder" provides my favorite "jellybean.vim" theme
"vimrc" set following things:
1. normalize the indent-tab (shiftwidth, tabstop, softtabstop, expandtab, ai)
2. encoding utf-8
3. turn on syntax
"bashrc" set following things:
1. set prompt like "ot32em@myhost [~]$ " with colorized format
2. set env variable TERM to "256color" for supporting jellybean 256 color theme.
3. add some common short cut alias like la = ls -a, ll = ls -l, etc.
"tmux.conf" set following things:
1. ctrl-a is ergonomic violation prefix function key, changed to ctrl-b
2. map "-" to split panes horizontally and "|" to split vertically
3. map vim-like style move window by h, j, k, and l