Nightwatch.js, Selenium and Zalenium
This is a repository to include a complete UI Testing Suite in your project. It employs dockerized Selenium Grid (plus Zalenium extension Forked from (I suggest you to have a look), the package includes npm scripts as wrapper for the docker-compose commands.
Keep calm: it's easy
Clone and read it:
You can add web app docker image to the docker-compose.yml
If you're using dinghy
or dory
, be sure to define the SUT's virtual URL (a default is provided). For example:
image: my-app-under-test:latest
VIRTUAL_HOST: myapp.docker
This is a Selenium Grid extension to scale your local grid dynamically with docker containers. It uses docker-selenium to run your tests in Firefox and Chrome locally, if you need a different browser, your tests can get redirected to a cloud testing provider (Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, TestingBot). Zalenium also works out of the box in Kubernetes.
Some useful links:
Zalenium Dashboard: http://localhost:4444/dashboard/
Selenium Grid: http://localhost:4444/grid
Selenium/Zalenium Grid Console: http://localhost:4444/grid/console
nightwatch tests/ -c nightwatch_withgraphic.json
to execute all tests in the local machine
nightwatch tests/amazon.js -c nightwatch_withgraphic.json
to execute single test in the local machine
npm run build
to build docker containers
npm start
to start docker containers
npm test
run tests
npm stop
stop all docker nightwatch/zalenium containers
and dory
are excellent Docker utilities for MacOSX and Linux, respectively. They simplify your dockerized
development workflow in multiple ways, perhaps the most convenient of which is this: instead of viewing your dockerized
web app in your browser with http://$(docker-machine ip):<port>
, you can simply go to http://myapp.docker
Both dinghy
and dory
are optional dependencies, and one may certainly use the bare-bones Docker ecosystem
(and docker-grid-nightwatch) without them.
UI Testing Suite includes gremlins.js package and a sample of it, to learn how to implement monkey test with nightwatch.js. Look here: