Algebra problem generator for teachers and tutors
This program generates random numbers in a given range and uses them to generate algebra exercises of the desired type(s).
Option flags:
-c <#>, --count <#>: How many exercises to generate
-n <#>, --min <#>: Minimum value for variable, coefficients, and constants
-x <#>, --max <#>: Maximum value for variable, coefficients, and constants
-v <char|string>, --vars <char|string>: String of lowercase letters that can be used for variables
Examples: "-v x", "-v abc"
-o , --outfile : A filename where the program will append its results for easy copy/paste
-t , --types : Type(s) of exercises to generate:
Examples: "-t 138af" "-t 2"
-0, --allowzero: Allow value of x, a, b, c... to be boring (0, 1, or -1)
-u , --unit : Text to put after measurements
-a, --wholealt: Do not allow decimal points in altitudes
-k, --keyafter: Give key after all exercises (default after each)
-f, --fractco: Allow fractional coefficients
-m, --mixedvar: Convert improper fractional coefficents (ax/b) to mixed numbers (a bx/c) for added challenge