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Minutes of the LB NM, 17th March 2013

Kenneth Lausdahl edited this page Feb 6, 2015 · 1 revision

Minutes of the LB NM, held on 17th March 2013, 12:00 CET:

Present: NB, NP and PJ. Apologies received from AH, MV, SH and SS. Minutes by PJ.

Meeting started at 12:15 CET.

1. Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of 27/1 were reviewed and accepted after the new LB member Peter Jørgensen (PJ) introduced himself.

2. Status of open actions

09/09.2: (NB and MV update LRM with regards to implementation of RMs 3220223 and 3220182) NB has drafted a LRM patch but it has not been reviewed by MV. Action remains open.

29/01.1: (MV give feedback on work on old open actions 21.08.1, 21.08.3 and 09/10.2 (concerning RM 3220324, 3338259 and 3317792)) Feedback by MV needed. Action remains open.

11/11.2: (SW: Monitor progress of Joey describing the practical stuff wrt the LRM update on the Wiki) Action transferred to PJ. Action remains open.

27/01.1: (NP to update LB Tracker with accurate status for all open RMs.) NP will do this. Action remains open.

27/01.2: (NB to draft LRM changes for recursive curried function measures.) NB has updated the LRM to reflect this. Action closed.

3. Report on development of core semantics

The Development Board have a need to clarify the OO semantic issues of VDM++ as pointed out by NB's workshop paper "Object Oriented Issues in VDM++". For CML (COMPASS Modelling Language) - combining VDM++ and CSP - to be well-defined some of the semantics issues of VDM++ need to be clarified.

4. Discussion of open RMs and issues raised

3220324 Sporadic thread definitions

Left in discussion phase - see open action 29/01.1.

3338259 More descriptive time expressions

Left in discussion phase - see open action 29/01.1.

3317792 Antagonist STOP operation for periodic threads

Left in discussion phase - see open action 29/01.1.

3438621 Append narrow expression

Nick will review the LRM update concerning the narrow expression, which closes this point.

5. Other Business

1) It was discussed whether another LB NM was needed before the next one schedules (due to only 3 LB members being present during the meeting). It was decided that it was not needed as there are no open RMs apart from MV's which have not progressed.

2) NP suggested submitting a paper on the language changes made in the last few years to the Overture workshop after the upcoming one in Finland.

Meeting closed 12:47 CET.

6. Open actions

09/09.2: MV: Review LRM patch made by NB with regards to implementation of RMs 3220223 and 3220182.

29/01.1: MV: Give feedback on work on old open actions 21.08.1, 21.08.3 and 09/10.2 (concerning RM 3220324, 3338259 and 3317792).

11/11.2: PJ: Monitor progress of Joey describing the practical stuff wrt the LRM update on the Wiki.

27/01.1: NP: Update LB Tracker with accurate status for all open RMs.

17/03.1: NP: Approach Joey about COMPASS and semantic issues of VDM++.

17/03.2: NP: Coordinate the work concerning the paper summarizing the recent language changes made over the past few years.

17/03.3: NB: Review of LRM update concerning the narrow expression.

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