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Minutes of the LB NM, 23rd April 2017

Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen edited this page Apr 23, 2017 · 3 revisions

Present: AH,TO,NB,KP,PC,PJ Minutes by PJ.

The meeting started at 11:00.

1. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held at the 12th Match 2017 were reviewed and accepted.

2. Status of open actions

- 12/03.1 LDC to look at re-working the LB wiki pages to clean them up, mention working groups as a possible outcome of an RM, and clarify the duration of phases.

Luis did a good job of re-working the wiki pages, which have already been reviewed by several other LB members. Action closed.

3. Discussion of open RMs and issues raised

#39 A Primitive Order Relation for Types in VDM-SL

At the previous meeting, it was agreed to keep this RM out for another "period" to allow more community members to contribute to the discussion of this RM. However, the LB did not receive any input from the community. All LB members agreed to move this RM to 'Execution'. The execution phase usually involves the development of a draft implementation of the tool feature for testing.

4. Working Groups

#41 Process for maintaining the standard libraries

Since the last meeting there has been some useful discussion on standard libraries, and Paul has supplied some of this examples.

#33 Documenting the complete set of POs for VDM

There has been no progress on the PO WG.

5. Other Business


6. Open actions


Meeting closed 11:33 - 33 minutes.

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