a Java lib for making simple windows for simulations
this is a java program that demonstrates the ease to use this library for graphics and simulations. It is inspired by Processing and p5.js.
public class Example extends Display{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int red, green, blue, increment;
private double crSz, sizeX, sizeY, angle = 0.0, sign = 1.0, totalDt = 0.0;
public static void main(String[] args){
Example ex = new Example();//new displib extended instance
ex.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));//set size
ex.start();//must use start command to launch window
protected void setup(){
//this is run once s.start() is called
//put simulation setup code here
private void setRandoms() {
red = (int)Maths.random(80, 255);
green = (int)Maths.random(80, 255);
blue = (int)Maths.random(80, 255);
sizeX = Maths.random(30, 100);
sizeY = Maths.random(30, 100);
increment = (int)Maths.random(1.0, 3.0);
crSz = Maths.random(4.0, 14.0);
sign = Math.random()>0.5?-1.0:1.0;
protected void update(double dt){
//this is run every step before the render stage.
//dt is the double value associated with the amount of time elapsed in seconds. (used well with physics simulations)
//put simulation update code here
if(totalDt%3.6<0.05) {
angle += sign*Maths.random(0.13, 4.4)*dt;
totalDt += dt;
setTitle("Example @ "+getFps()+"fps");
protected void draw(Graphics2D graphics){
//this is the renderer. there are many useful functions in graphics2d to show different types of graphics.
//put render code here
BufferedImage bfr = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2d = bfr.createGraphics();
background(g2d, 0);
int num = 8;
//draw 2d grid of randomly coloured, spinning, and sized rectangles.
for(int i=0;i<num;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<num;j++) {
double x = Maths.map(i, 0, num-1, 0, width);
double y = Maths.map(j, 0, num-1, 0, height);
//translate and rotate graphics
translate(g2d, x, y);
rotate(g2d, angle);
stroke(g2d, red, green, blue);
//fill or no fill?
if((i+j)%increment==0) fillRect(g2d, 0, 0, sizeX, sizeY);
else drawRect(g2d, 0, 0, sizeX, sizeY);
//translate and rotate back
rotate(g2d, -angle);
translate(g2d, -x, -y);
int tx = (int)(Math.cos(angle)*crSz);
int ty = (int)(Math.sin(angle)*crSz);
background(graphics, ImageFilters.chromaticAberration(bfr, tx, ty));//set that as background
//draw more shapes
for(int i=0;i<num;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<num;j++) {
double x = Maths.map(i, 0, num-1, 0, width);
double y = Maths.map(j, 0, num-1, 0, height);
translate(graphics, x, y);
//opposite direction
rotate(graphics, -angle);
//flip around colors
stroke(graphics, green, blue, red);
//opposite to fill or not with smaller swapped shapes
if((i+j)%increment==0) drawRect(graphics, 0, 0, sizeY/4, sizeX/4);
else fillRect(graphics, 0, 0, sizeY/4, sizeX/4);
rotate(graphics, angle);
translate(graphics, -x, -y);