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This is STM8 Assembler that converts STM8 assembly code and instruction into machine code

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1.0 About This Project

This is STM8Assembler project which it convert STM8 assembly code into STM8 machine code.
This function will generate the machine code according to the instruction and operand of the assembly code.
The main function for this STM8Assmbler is assembleInstruction function.
The tokenizer that used inside this STM8 Assembler to retrieve the instruction and operand token are based on the TokenizerSkeleton [2].
The format of the machine code is based on [1] which is STM8 datasheet PM0044.pdf file that has all the STM8 instruction details.

1.1 Objective

  • To read the STM 8 assembly code and generate / return output with STM 8 machine code . assemtoMcode

2.0 Getting Started

2.1 Requirement

The following software need to be installed on your PC,

  1. Ceedling
  2. MSYS2
  3. Ruby
  4. Git
  5. Cosmic STM8 Software Development tools
  6. MINGW32/64

2.2 How to clone the file from GitHUB

Stm8Assembler can be cloned by issuing the command below with GitBash.

git clone

Or you can download through STM8Assembler GitHub webpage.


2.3 Updating the STM8Assembler

If STM8Assembler has updates , the repository can be updated by issuing the command below with GitBash.

cd Stm8Assembler  // if you are not inside the project folder
git fetch         // to fetch the STM8Assembler update from the source 
git pull          // to pull the update from the source

Remember to clobber and rebuild the project by using the command below after update.

ceedling clobber          // clobber / clean all generated file
ceedling                  // Build the STM8Assembler project

2.4 Configuring Project.yml

If you are first time running this project, please follow the instruction below to configure Project.yml file before running it.

  1. ensure executable output :executable: .exe are remain as .exe ,so that it is easier to run the debugger by using IDE eg :CodeLite
  2. You need to choose the library type depends on your gcc version for the tokenizer for test_linker,
    remove the hash to choose the library and remember to add hash to other library version if not used. lib
  • -Llib/x86 is for user who are using x86 or 32bit PC
  • -Llib/x64_7_3_0 is for user who are using 64 bit PC with 7.3.0 gcc version installed
  • -Llib/x64_6_3_0 is for user who are using 64 bit PC with 6.3.0 gcc version installed
  • -Llib/x64_5_3_0 is for user who are using 64 bit PC with 5.3.0 gcc version installed
  • -Llib/x64_TDM_5_1_0 is for user who are using 64 bit PC
    Please use -Llib/x64_TDM_5_1_0 version if you running on 64 bit PC and other version are not working

2.5 Important note

Before you implement this assembleInstruction function , tokenizer must be created with createTokenizer so that this function only able to tokenize the input string with STM8 assembly code . Configure the Tokenizer to detect dollar sign as hex value are also required to ensure this assembler works properly.

The example code below shows how to create tokenizer and configure hex value for the tokenizer .

tokenizer = createTokenizer("  your input string here "); //create Tokenizer by passing in string with assembly code
configureTokenizer(tokenizer,TOKENIZER_DOLLAR_SIGN_HEX);  // configure tokenizer to recognize dollar sign as hex value
mcode = assembleInstruction(tokenizer);                   // run assembleInstruction to generate machine code

3.0 STM8 Instruction set


Note: Each different instruction group have different source file, header file and test file in this repository.
This is a modified STM8 instruction set as the instruction table in the PM0044.pdf datasheet did not include interrupt instruction inside any of them.

4.0 Implementing the function

You can implement the function by using the example code below

MachineCode *mcode =NULL ;                     //declare machine code and tokenizer variable
Tokenizer *tokenizer = NULL;

tokenizer = createTokenizer("  JRNC $44 ");              //create Tokenizer by passing in string with assembly code
configureTokenizer(tokenizer,TOKENIZER_DOLLAR_SIGN_HEX); // configure tokenizer to recognize dollar sign as hex value
mcode = assembleInstruction(tokenizer);                  // run assembleInstruction to generate machine code

The struct for Machine code can be found here
The struct and function for Tokenizer can be found here

Remember to free the tokenizer and machine code with sample code below after the tokenizer and machine code does not used anymore.


5.0 Testing

5.1 Testing the function

You can test STM8Assembler by issuing command below on GitBash.

ceedling test:all 

note: Please ensure the file Project.yml has been configured properly before running the test.If not, please refer back to Configuring Project.yml

5.2 Adding extra test

You add extra test by following the example code below, Here's a simple example code for testing
For adding pass test,

void test_assembleInstruction_given_neg_shortmem24_OPERAND_expect_0x3024(void) {
    MachineCode *mcode =NULL ;                     //declare machine code and tokenizer variable
    Tokenizer *tokenizer = NULL;
    int expectedMcode[]={0x30,0x12,END};           // declare expected Machine Code to be compared

        tokenizer = createTokenizer("  NEG $24 ");   
        mcode = assembleInstruction(tokenizer);
        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MACHINECODE(expectedMcode,mcode);  //compare expected machine code 
                                                             //and machine code from the function
    }Catch(ex) {
        TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE("Do not expect any exception to be thrown");
    freeTokenizer(tokenizer);               //remember to free Tokenizer and MachineCode after testing

note: TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MACHINECODE(expectedMcode,mcode) are custom test assert function which does not located at unity.h

For adding fail test,

void test_assembleInstruction_given_subw_Z_BYTE_OPERAND_expect_fail(void) {
    MachineCode *mcode =NULL ;                     //declare machine code and tokenizer variable
    Tokenizer *tokenizer = NULL;                   // no need to declare expected
                                                   //Machine Code as it expected to fail              

        tokenizer = createTokenizer("  subw Z, #55 ");    //Z is invalid Operand 
        mcode = assembleInstruction(tokenizer);
        TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE("Expecting exeception to be thrown."); //throw fail message if the function 
                                                                 //does not throw exception
    } Catch(ex) {
        dumpErrorMessage(ex);                                  //throw to ceedling for fail message 
        // compare generated errorCode with expected errorCode
    freeTokenizer(tokenizer);  //remember to free Tokenizer and MachineCode after testing

If you experienced some failed test message generated by ceedling
For example,

  Test: test_assembleInstruction_given_neg_shortmem24_OPERAND_expect_0x3024
  At line (71): "Do not expect any exception to be thrown"

which the exception thrown by the function but this test does not expect the function to throw it. It may caused by typo or bringing in wrong instruction and operand combination / syntax .You can refer to the line number for troubleshooting.

For more examples, please refer here
For all error code , please refer here

6.0 Results

When ceedling run the test , it passed all test in all test file excluding customAssert test file that is disabled by default.

Ceedling will also will generate message throw by exception on the specific test that is expected to fail.

For example error message generated on the Increment Decrement instruction group test file,

7.0 Source file:

8.0 Note

  1. For instruction that is relative jump or relative call function
  • It DOES NOT support word jump eg JRNE loop , the word jump label are not supported
    and it ONLY support value jump eg JRNE $21

  • The output machine code value for the address part will be value of destination hex value + machine code length
    instead of value with Program Counter + destination hex value.

  • The address value are 8 bit signed integer which it only supports value from -128 to 127 (- $80 to $7F) which it will generate error message if exceeded the value range

  1. There is an extra instruction named interrupt instruction which does not belong to any instruction group are now placed under Interrupt Management instruction group.

  2. There is an CustomAssert test file which test the TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MACHINECODE(expectedMcode,mcode) function. This function compares the difference between the expected machine code and the generated machine code which returned by the assembleInstruction function.
    This CustomAssert test file is disabled by default during the test and it required to manually remove the x from this file name test\xtest_CustomAssert.c to conduct the test. This function will generate error message if detected difference between expected and generated machine code as shown below, CustomAssert

  3. For the instruction at Bit Operation and Conditional Bit Test Branch instruction group which required #pos value . #pos value only supports from 0 to 7 and it will throw exception and generate error message as below if value exceeded that range.

  4. For LDW instruction , if the first operand of the code is a complex operand and second operand is a symbol operand .If first operand and second operand is unsupported operand combination for this LDW instruction, it will generate an exception which will highlight both of the operand and generate Operand is not supported! message.

  5. If your operand is bracketed X or Y short ptr operand and the value is 0 hex value such as ($0,X) or ($0,Y), it will follow same machine code as bracketed X or Y operand is (X) or (Y) in respective instruction that supports bracketed X or Y short ptr operand and bracketed X or Y operand .

    ($0,X) = (X) 
    ($0,Y) = (Y)
  6. If this instruction does not support short addressing mode operand but it support longer addressing mode operand , this function will return a longer addressing mode operand instead of throw exception telling users operand is not supported. This function will allow smaller value to be accepted on larger value type.
    You can refer to the test here.
    For example JPF instruction that only supports extmem and longptr.e operand.

     JPF $1 ---> 0xAC000001
     short mem on JPF will generate machine code above 
     JPF $FFFF ---> 0xAC00FFFF
     long mem on JPF will generate machine code above




This is STM8 Assembler that converts STM8 assembly code and instruction into machine code






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