This is an integration of pico-cms in ownCloud.
Idea is to use a flatfile cms like PicoCMS, and integrate this with ownCloud. You can edit the content of a public site via markdown files in ownCloud. The functional set of markdown provides a wiki-like page.
The admin group has access to configurations, content and layout folders.
- The content folder can be shared with a group of editors via ownCloud.
- The layout of the page can be shared with a group of front end developers.
The wiki page is availabe under an app route
- access with/without authentication optional
- a subdomain or custom path can be configured for the page (apache config)
- company wiki for a basic knowledge base
- help pages for ownCloud usage and faq
- very easy website development environment
The development status for the wiki app is a prototype.
- PicoCMS: