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API Workshop - EDC 2018

The workshop has 4 parts:

  1. Intro to REST API development, using Node.js
  2. Intro to API specification with Swagger
  3. API deployment in Azure, with Azure Web Apps
  4. Deploying the API to Azure API Management

Link to slides:


Getting started

See getting started info.

Part 1

Create the Library API

Use branch part1. Run the server: nodemon server.js. Make sure the server is running by accessing http://localhost:3000

The Library API

The API should support the operations listed below. The API should use JSON as data format. Operations taking id as input parameter should return a client error status code (4xx) with a message if the id does not exist. Other types of input validation is not required.

  • Get all books. Return a list of books. Already implemented.
  • Get an existing book (by id). Return the requested book.
  • Add a new book. Return the created book.
  • Update an existing book (by id). Return the updated book.
  • Delete a book (by id). Return nothing.

Use Postman for testing. Import the collection file in the postman folder into Postman.

Relevant HTTP methods:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

Relevant HTTP status codes:

  • 200 OK
  • 201 Created (should include Location response header)
  • 204 No content
  • 400 Bad request
  • 404 Not found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

For more details, see:

Part 2

Document the Library API with Swagger

Or run locally using Docker: docker run -p 8080:8080 --name swagger-editor swaggerapi/swagger-editor

Either keep working on branch part1 and only load the Swagger skeleton file from branch part2, by running: git checkout origin/part2 -- src/oas/swagger.yaml, or replace your work from part 1 and load a complete API and Swagger skeleton, by switching to branch part2.

  • Open the skeleton Swagger file src/oas/swagger.yaml in the editor.
  • Add the missing endpoints to the Swagger file. Make sure the yaml is valid.
  • Test running the endpoints from the Swagger editor.

Swagger specification:

Part 2B - Generate documentation

From Swagger Editor

Select Generate Client -> html2. Unzip and place in folder src/static/api-docs

Browse the generated documentation.

(Optional) With Docker, Using OpenAPI Generator

Run the following command from the src directory:

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
    -i /local/oas/openapi.yaml \
    -g html \
    -o /local/static/api-docs/openapi-generator

Part 3

Azure deployment

In this part we will deploy our Library API to Azure.

Continue working on your current branch, or switch to branch master to load a completed Swagger file and API.

Deployment Procedure Azure Portal:

  1. Create Azure Web App using the Azure portal:
  • App name: library-
  • Subscription: VanDamme
  • Resource Group (Use Existing): APIWorkshop
  • OS: Linux
  • App Service Plan - Create new:
    • Location: North Europe
    • Pricing Tier: B1 (free)
  • Runtime Stack: Node.js 10.1
  1. Select deployment options -> Choose source -> Local Git Repository

  2. Set Deployment Credentials

  3. Add an Azure remote to local Git repo: git remote add azure <url>

  4. Try accessing the Web App URL. You should get the message: "Your App Service app is up and running"

  5. Deploy: git push azure master

  6. Test accessing the API.

  7. Check the content of the server log by opening the SSH console in the Azure portal, and viewing /home/site/wwwroot/src/log/server.log

Deployment Procedure Azure CLI

App name: library-<user name> (e.g library-oyron) Service Plan Name: Library<User name>SP

az login
az account set --subscription "VanDamme"
az appservice plan create --name <service plane name> --resource-group APIWorkshop --sku B1 --is-linux --location "North Europe"
az webapp create --resource-group APIWorkshop --plan <service plan name> --name <app name> --runtime "NODE|10.1" --deployment-local-git
az webapp deployment user set --user-name <user name> --password <deployment password>
git remote add azure https://<user name>@<app name><app name>.git
git push azure master

Part 4

API Management

In this task we will add our API to Azure API Management.

  1. Edit swagger.yaml in the Swagger editor and make the URL refer to your newly created service in Azure. Also change scheme to https. Export the file as JSON (APIM currently does not support YAML).

  2. Add your API in the Azure portal

  • Create new API from OpenAPI Specification. Select the swagger.json file.
  • Display name: EDC API <user name>, e.g. EDC API OYRON
  • Name: edc-api-<user name>, e.g. edc-api-oyron
  • API URL Suffix: same as name (edc-api-<user name>)
  1. After creating the API, go to settings, add "EDC API Workshop" as a product

  2. Verify that you are able to call the API through APIM by using Postman (make sure you are accessing the APIM Url)


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