WikiD - WikiDiscussion or WikiDiyun - ויקידיון - WikiDiscussion just in hebrew, Wiki - means fast, so essentially a faster way to discuss stuff
WikiD is a platform for discussion and decision making in large groups.
WikiD lets people write statements they believe in, or want to discuss.
It allows users to vote on these statements, and in the future, will also add the option to tag them with all kinds of informative tags, and link the statements to all kinds of relevant data and resources.
WikiD also lets users connect one statement to another, mapping their relation to each other - for example,
statement A supports statement B
A cool property of WikiD is that it treats all these relations as if they werestatements on their own right. So they can be linked as well.
All together this will generate a discussion graph, mapping the inputs and opinions of the various users - and it also takes different contexts into account -, WikiD users become participants in the general discussion, and in smaller, more focused discussions they will define.
Besides content creation, WikiD is set to let users follow and browse these statements and discussions, in an easy, engaging, informative and efficient way.
It is, because people usually simply can't have a meaningful discussion once agroup becomes slightly large
To Be Continued
It's only a slogan -
but seriously: Harnessing the input and decision making abilities of the large number of people involved with them, may help solve wicked problems
To Be Continued
WikiD is keeping in touch with a community of similar projects gathered as a sidequest by project Gruff's maintainer. The community aims to write a whitepaper defining an standard system design addressing the big problem of a converging or "canonical" debate. The various projects' prototypes help test different designs and elements in the system.
Among these projects are:
- DebateMap - Tree-based mapping of beliefs, arguments, and evidence.
- Gruff - "Wikipedia for Debates" server and web
- ReasonScore - Reason Score is a widget you can put on your website that heps you have an open source calculated fact check. You can see more about it and a working example at
Gruff's round table (not an official name) is also in contact with Democracy Earth Foundation Ecosystem.
Besides that, there are older running similiar projects and research work, DegateGraph and Arg-Tech
To Be Continued
This repository started as a fork of the very nice tutorial neo4j-flask by Nicole White, so you may check it if you need a hint to see where is north and where is up before getting into the mess
Make sure Neo4j is running first!
If you're on Neo4j >= 2.2, make sure to set environment variables NEO4J_USERNAME
to your username and password, respectively:
$ export NEO4J_USERNAME=username
$ export NEO4J_PASSWORD=password
Or, set
in conf/
Then with bash shell:
cd cloned_dir
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
with fish shell:
cd cloned_dir
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/
pip install -r requirements.txt