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Stock value wathing app created with Vue.js and Vuetify. You can search for a company logo and display the stock value changes in candlestick chart (D3) with monthly, weekly and daily time series options.
- Search for a symbol by company name or symbol name,
- Choose a symbl from listed results,
- Display symbol's stock value changes in candlestick chart with monthly, weekly and daily time series options,
- Toggle for displaying SMA graph,
- Simple hardcoded authentication,
- Logging for route transitions and unauthorized access try,
- Deletion of logs,
- Vue.js 2.6.11
- Vuex: 3.4.0
- VueRouter: 3.2.0
- Vuetify 2.4.0
- Vuelidate 0.7.6
- Sass
- D3 7.1.1
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint