local class = require 'oops'
local Duck = class {
__init = function (self)
self.quacks = 0
quack = function (self)
self.quacks = self.quacks + 1
print('Quack! Total: ' .. self.quacks .. ' time(s).')
local duffy = Duck()
Simple class-based OOP for Lua with first class classes (class definition is an expression) and comfortable syntax.
- Class-based inheritance: class is a factory for objects (instances).
- Classes as expressions (classes can be anonymous and/or defined and used on the spot).
- Controlled visibility scope: classes don't have to be global.
- Terse syntax:
local Class = class { hello = function (self) print('world!') end }
$ luarocks install oops
local class = require 'oops'
require 'oops'
-- Simplest class. No methods, no constructor, no inheritance.
local Creature = class { }
-- Inheritance, constructor.
local Human = class(Creature) {
__init = function (self, name)
self.name = name
-- 'Abstract' method.
local TalkingHuman = class(Human) {
talk = function (self) error("Abstract method call") end
-- Calling superclass constructor, overriding inherited method.
local Scientist = class(TalkingHuman) {
__init = function (self, name, discovery)
self.discovery = discovery
talk = function (self)
return 'It is a scientific fact that ' .. self.discovery .. '.'
-- Overriding.
local Zombie = class(TalkingHuman) {
talk = function (self) return 'Mmmrhrhgmhmmm...' end
-- Interacting with other objects.
local Journalist = class(TalkingHuman) {
__init = function (self, name, interviewee)
self.interviewee = interviewee
talk = function (self)
return 'According to ' .. self.interviewee.name .. ', "' ..
self.interviewee:talk() .. '."'
-- Array of objects.
local people = {
Scientist('John von Neumann',
'a von Neumann algebra or W*-algebra is a *-algebra of bounded' ..
' operators on a Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator' ..
' topology and contains the identity operator.'),
Zombie('Victor Tsoi'),
-- Declaring and instantiating an anonymous class at the same time.
Journalist('Michael Moore',
(class(TalkingHuman) {
talk = function (self) return '2 + 2 = 5' end
})('Emmanuel Goldstein'))
local interview = function (who)
-- Dynamic dispatch.
print(who.name .. ' says: ' .. who:talk())
-- Polymorphism.
for _, v in pairs(people) do
$ lua people.lua
John von Neumann says: It is a scientific fact that a von Neumann algebra or W*-algebra is a *-algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator topology and contains the identity operator..
Victor Tsoi says: Mmmrhrhgmhmmm...
Michael Moore says: According to Emmanuel Goldstein, "2 + 2 = 5."
- class methods/values
- custom metamethods (operator methods)
- static methods
- more tests
- better docstrings
- compare with other OOP libraries