RESTful API and web interface for package repository.
- Ben Schwartz @benschwartz9
- Emile Baez @emilejbm
- Anna Shen @Ashassins
- Mimi Chon @19chonm
FastAPI python backend for deleting and writing functionality of API
Includes authentication, uploading, and deleting packages
Handles the following routes:
/package (POST)
/package/{id} (PUT)
/authenticate (PUT)
/reset (DELETE)
/package/{id} (DELETE)
/package/byName/{name} (DELETE)
Golang mux backend for read related APIs
Return contents and score of package requested as well as related metadata (id, name, versions stored in database)
Query for packages based on semantic versioning
Handles the following routes:
/package/{id} (GET)
/package/{id}/rate (GET)
/package/byName/{name} (GET)
/packages (POST)
/package/byRegEx (POST)
internal process that creates a score for github and npm packages based on:
correctness, ramp up time, responsive maintainers, bus factor, valid licenses, dependencies, code review
- Frontend
- setup tutorial for local test environment
- Continuous deployment
- Configures the following GCP services:
cloud run, IAM, cloud build, artifact registry, secret manager, cloud sql, and API gateway.
- Use the following commands to bring infrastructure up:
- terraform init
- terraform plan
- terraform apply