Extracts selected character data from the publicly available Unicode Han Database (unihan). Database available on: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr38/
★Input files input/Unihan_DictionaryLikeData.txt input/Unihan_Readings.txt input/Unihan_Variants.txt input/Unihan_OtherMappings.txt input/Unihan_RadicalStrokeCounts.txt input/Unihan_NumericValues.txt input/Unihan_IRGSources.txt input/Unihan_DictionaryIndices.txt
★What this does Each of those files include several unicode properties (see lines 12 to 23 in each file) This perl script extracts the selected data and creates a new string file
Example extract on 2 files: Unihan_DictionaryLikeData.txt and Unihan_Readings.txt Unihan_DictionaryLikeData.txt Unicode - Unicode input string encoding number kFrequency - Frequency (if it does not exist, value will be 0 ) kCangjie - Cangjie input use
Unihan_Readings.txt Unicode - Unicode input string encoding number kHanyuPinyin - PinYin kCantonese - Cantonese PinYin
★Output Makes a new string in another file similar to the following:
Unicode kFrequency kCangjie kHanyuPinyin kCantonese
- Each item is divided with a TAB
- If there is no item found, it is left as an empty string
- For each unicode, if there are multiple PinYin, they are joined by a comma ","
★Example of what data will look like for the following after extraction:
U+3636 kCangjie NQG
U+3636 kTotalStrokes 9
U+3637 kCangjie GTK
U+3637 kTotalStrokes 9
U+3638 kCangjie MNPG
U+3638 kTotalStrokes 9
U+3636 kCantonese git6 miu5
U+3636 kDefinition (ancient form of 桀) a hen-roost, cruel, the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty
U+3636 kMandarin jié
U+3637 kCantonese ngai6
U+3637 kDefinition (same as 艾) Mugwort, artemisia or any plant which produces moxa punk, general name for plants like mint
U+3637 kMandarin ài
U+3638 kCantonese zong3
U+3638 kDefinition (same as 葬) to bury, (ancient form of 坐) to sit, a seat
U+3638 kHanyuPinyin 10438.060:zàng,zuò
U+3638 kMandarin zàng
●Output would be:
U+3636 0 NQG git6,miu5
U+3637 0 GTK ngai6
U+3638 0 MNPG zàng,zuò zong3