This project contains the information how the API Works, how to setup and some golden opprtunities
- Java JDK Version.
- Maven .
- Spring Boot
- Gradle
- H2 database
- Swagger
- Download the source code from github:
- To build the application execute the command: mvn clean install
- To run the application execute the command: mvn spring-boot:run
This Application use Swagger for the api documentation you can visit it at: localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
POST /transaction/
GET /transaction?user=
POST /disbursement/
GET /disbursement/
POST /authenticate/
- Improve Database design.
- Pagination: at some point a user can have more than 100 disbursements/transactions so it will be better for performance paginate the results.
- Endpoint authentication: Not everyone can access this type of resources.
- Encryption to certain information such as:
credit card, account number, etc
- Implementation of Reactor: if the apis calls get too busy at some point it will be better to opt for moving to an asynchronous call.