Implements a command line UI for simplified chess and a chess engine.
Rules differing from standard chess:
- No check or checkmate, the game is won by capturing the king
- King can put himself into check (possibly losing the game)
- Passing your turn is allowed
- If both players pass turns successively, the game ends in a draw
- No castling
- No en passant
- Pawns move only a single square
- No repetition rules
- Pawns promote automatically to queens
- 50 moves without a capture ends in a draw
The rest is the same as classical chess (i think).
move a2 a4 // moves piece at a2 to a4
move a7 a8 q // moves piece at a7 to a8 and specifies promotion
save mypoint // saves this current position as "mypoint"
restore mypoint // restores board position to "mypoint"
restore // restores board to initial position
show // shows board
show moves // shows valid moves
profile <label>
quit // quits
exit // quits
clear // clears screen