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CDK construct library that helps you build a garbage collector to delete all untagged images in Amazon ECR public with AWS CDK.


Amazon ECR public does not have lifecycle policy to clean up all untagged images at this moment(see this issue). cdk-ecrpublic-gc allows you to deploy a AWS Step Functions state machine with dynamic parallelism to invoke an arbitrary of Lambda functions to remove untagged images to release the storage.


By default, the state machine will be triggered every 4 hours and can be configured in the schedule property in the TidyUp construct.


import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { TidyUp } from 'cdk-ecrpublic-gc';

const app = new cdk.App();

const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'ecr-public-gc');

new TidyUp(stack, 'TidyUp', {
  repository: [
  schedule: events.Schedule.cron({ hour: '*/4', minute: '0' }),

In Action

Step Function state machine with dynamic tasks in parallel