Releases: pajamaclaws21/WBIB
Releases · pajamaclaws21/WBIB
The next official release of WBIB... is here.
This release includes:
- a switch to an iframe instead of a div for displaying websites
- new and improved CSS, with a dedicated stylesheet
- allowance for JavaScript
- many, many fixed issues
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
YESSSSS! Version one-point-oh-point-five is officially released. This includes tons of stuff, including a switch to AllOrigins for CORS and hosting on both Render and Github Pages. The full changelog is linked below.
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.5
Official Release!
The first! ever! release! All of the base features are there now, so now it's time for the fun things (like a custom CORS proxy). Trust that those things'll be coming soon.
Full Changelog: