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🔥 Starter files to Learn with ES6 for Everyone by @wesbos

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ES6 for Everyone

ES6 for Everyone Starter Files

Everything you need to Learn ES6 over at


Day 1: 12 May 2017

Got this course for free from Wes Bos as an appreciation gift ❤️ Started looking at the overview of this course and setting up Slack.


  • Completed Module #1 New Variables - Creation, Updating and Scoping
  • var is function scope
  • We can redeclare it multiple times in same scope
  • let & const are block scope
  • We can not redeclare it twice in same scope
  • You can update a let variable, but const variables cannot be updated
  • However, the properties of a const variable can change. That's because the entire object is not immutable.
  • Came to know about Object.freeze(), so that nothing can be added to or removed from the properties set of a frozen object.
  • Also, completed Module #2 Function Improvements: Arrows and Default Arguments
  • I had known about Arrow Functions from the #Javascript30 course, but more in details about it today
  • Learnt more about arrow functions, implicit returns, when & when not to use arrow functions, this inside arrow functions
  • Also, about default function arguments

Day 2: 14 May 2017

Completed Module #3 - Template Strings

Thoughts: Learnt about:-

  • Template strings, creating html fragments with template literals
  • Using if, loop and functions inside template strings
  • Tagged templates, some use cases and sanitizing user data with tagged templates
  • Found about DOMPurify which helps to sanitize data in DOM

Day 3: 15 May 2017

Completed Module #4 - Additional String Improvements


  • Learnt about startsWith(), endsWith(), includes() & repeat() methods and did some practice related to them
  • Also, looked into str.endsWith(searchString[, length]) and str.startsWith(searchString[, position])

Day 4: 16 May 2017

Completed Module #5 - Destructuring


  • Learnt about destructuring objects, renaming variables and default values
  • Learnt about destructuring arrays, functions and swapping variables
  • Snippets 1: const { first, last, twitter } = someObjectHere
  • Snippets 2: const [ first, last, twitter ] = someArrayHere

Day 5: 17 May 2017

Completed Module #6 - Completed Module #6 Iterables & Looping


  • Learnt about some advantages of for of loop over for, foreach and for in
  • for-of makes is easier for looping through array elements and most array-like objects like DOM NodeList, arguments
  • Learnt about Array.prototype.entries() method and how we can use it with for-of loop
  • Snippets 1: for (const cut of cuts), just to get the values
  • Snippets 2: for (const [i, cut] of cuts.entries()), used to both index and value

Day 6: 18 May 2017

Completed Module #7 - An Array of Array Improvements


  • Learnt about Array.from() & Array.of() method
  • Array prototype methods like find, findIndex, some & every
  • Use Case 1 for Array.from()
  • Use Case 2 for Array.prototype .some() & .every()

Day 7: 19 May 2017

Completed Module #8 - Say Hello to ...Spread and ...Rest


  • Learnt about ...Spread operator & ...Rest parameters and there various use cases with lots of examples
  • Some use cases for Rest parameters

Day 8: 20 May 2017

Completed Module #9 - Object Literal Upgrades


  • Learnt about some handy stuffs like property value shorthand, method definition shorthand and computed property keys

Completed Module #10 - Promises


  • Learnt about how Promises works, creating my own promises, chaining them and working with multiple promises
  • As the Promise.prototype.then() and Promise.prototype.catch() methods return promises, they can be chained like
  • Chaining promises

Day 9: 23 May 2017

Completed Module #11 - Symbols (Newest primitive data type)


  • Learnt about Symbol data type and various use cases.
  • We can use it as object key as unique identifier

Day 10: 24 May 2017


Day 11: 25 May 2017


  • Today learnt about ESLint file & line specific settings for enabling/disabling rules
  • More info here

Day 12: 26 May 2017


  • Completed Module #12 - Code Quality with ESLint
  • Today learnt about JavaScript modules and WebPack 2 tooling setup

Day 13: 27 May 2017


  • Learnt about creating our own JavaScript modules and importing/exporting them
  • Also, looked into export statement and various syntax.

Day 14: 28 May 2017


  • Completed Module #13 - JavaScript Modules and Using npm
  • Did more practice on ES6 Modules
  • Learnt about how to import specific modules when its needed

Day 15: 29 May 2017


  • Completed Module #14 - ES6 Tooling

  • Learnt about SystemJS, Babel & Polyfills for ES6

  • Polyfills gives very good coverage for all ES6 features in old browsers

  • Completed Module #15 - Classes

  • Learnt about creating a new class (declaration-form), defining static methods & prototype methods, get & set methods

  • Also, learnt about extending an existing class, subclassing methods of a parent class and subclassing built-ins

  • Simple use case for Subclassing built-in classes and DOM here

Day 16: 30 May 2017


  • Completed Module #16 - Generators
  • Learnt about Generators function, which returns a Generator object. Using it for ajax flow control (awesome stuff)
  • Simple use-case for Generators

Day 17: 01 June 2017


  • Learnt about ES6 Proxies and its various use cases.
  • It provide JavaScript with an intercession API, enabling us to trap or intercept all of the operations on a target object and modify how this target operates

Day 18: 05 June 2017


  • Completed Module #18 - Sets and WeakSets
  • The Set object lets us store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references.
  • The WeakSet object lets us store weakly held objects in a collection.
  • If there is no other reference to an object stored in the WeakSet, they can be garbage collected.
  • Also, WeakSet are not enumerable

Day 19: 06 June 2017


  • Completed Module #19 - Map and Weak Map
  • A Map object holds key-value pairs.
  • The Map object iterates its elements in insertion order - a for...of loop returns an array of [key, value] for each iteration.
  • The WeakMap object is a collection of key/value pairs in which the keys are weakly referenced.

Day 20: 28 Sep 2017


  • This course was updated recently.
  • Updated for ES7/ES2016 and ES8/ES2017 including Async+Await, Babel 7 and more!
  • Started looking into it from today.
  • Started with native promises and its use-cases.
  • Also looked into creating custom promises.

Day 21: 29 Sep 2017


  • Today I reviewed the Async+Await once more.
  • Also, looked into a generic way for error handling async functions.

Day 22: 30 Sep 2017


  • Today I looked into using multiple promises.
  • Looked into one more use case for Promise.all()
  • Learned about how we can promisify functions so that we can use Async+Await on the them.

Day 23: 02 Oct 2017


  • Today I looked into some new & future language additions
  • Looked into Class properties
  • Also, looked into ES8 padStart and padEnd
  • ES7 Exponentiation Operator
  • Trailing commas (sometimes called "final commas") in literals

Day 24: 04 Oct 2017


  • Today I looked into use cases of Object.entries() and Object.values()
  • Learned about how it can be used in specific scenarios.
  • Fnially finished the course 🎉