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Utils Conditions & Markers

Anton Palikhov edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Общие маркеры




 blinded: They can't see and auto-fail any checks made with sight. Attacks against them have adv, their attacks have disadv.

 charmed: They can't attack or harm the charmer, and the charmer has adv on checks to interact socially with them.

 deafened: They can't hear and auto-fail any check that requires hearing.

 frightened: They have disadv on checks and attacks as long as they can see the source of their fear, and they can't willingly move closer to it.

 grappled: Their speed is 0 as long as they are grappled.

 incapacitated: They can't take actions or reactions.

 invisible: They are impossible to see without magic or a special sense. They are heavily obscured for the purposes of hiding. Their location can be deduced by noises they make or tracks they leave. Attacks against them have disadv, and attacks they make have adv.

paralyzed: They can't take actions or reactions, they can't move, and they can't speak. They auto-fail Str and Dex saves. Attacks against them have adv. Any attack that hits is a crit if the attack is within 5 ft of them.

 petrified: They, and all nonmagical gear, are transformed into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone.) They are incapacitated, can't move, speak, and is unaware of their surroundings. Attack rolls against them have adv. They auto-fail Str and Dex saves. They have resistance to all damage. They are immune to poison and disease, though any already in system is suspended, not neutralized.

 poisoned: They have disadv on attacks and checks.

 prone: Their only movement option is to crawl (at half speed) or use half their movement to stand up, which ends this condition. While prone, attacks against them have adv and their attacks have disadv. They have disadv on Dex saves.

 restrained: Their speed is 0. Attacks against them have adv, and attacks they make have disadv. They have disadv on Dex saves.

 stunned: They can't attack, react, or move, and they can only speak falteringly. They auto-fail Str and Dex saves. Attacks against them have adv.

 unconscious: They can't attack, react, move, speak, and are unware of their surroundings. They drop whatever they're holding and fall prone. They auto-fail Str and Dex saves. Attacks against them have adv. Any attack against them is a crit if the attacker is within 5 ft.

 exhausted: (1) Disadv on ability checks, (2 ) Speed halved, (3) Disadv on attacks and saves, (4) Hit point max halved, (5) Speed is 0, (6) Death.

Specific Effects More will be added as characters are decided.

 raging: While raging, they have adv on Str checks and saves, gain +2 damage to melee attacks made with Str (increases w/ level), has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and can't concentrate on spells. The rage ends early if they end their turn without having attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since their last turn. (duration 10, direction -1)

 hasted: Their speed is doubled, they have a +2 bonus to their AC, they have adv on Dex saves, and gain an extra action on their turn which can be used to attack with one weapon, dash, disengage, hide, or use an object. When the spell ends, a wave of lethargy overcomes them, and they can't move or take actions until after their next turn. (duration 10, direction -1)

 slowed: Target's speed is halved, it takes a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saves, and it can't use reactions. On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items, it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn't take effect until the creature's next turn, and the creature must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it can't, the spell is wasted. (duration 10, direction -1)


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