An app for displaying and editing my personal grocery list.
Kitchen view:
I originally only wanted to display my grocery list in my kitchen as a gimmick but I decided to make it a little more functional and now I actually use it. I made a web front-end and an Android front-end that talk to my Node server. The Node server simply serves the grocery list items from a SQLite database. The web version is designed for phones, computers, and to display in my kitchen. It's built using Vue. I had very little experience building Android apps and I had never used Kotlin but I learned them to make a decent looking and working Android app. The web and Android version both use WebSockets to display an always up to date list. In my kitchen I have the web version pulled up on a Raspberry Pi connected to a monitor to always see my current grocery list from my kitchen.
Website for any device and for the display in my kitchen:
APK here (debug version)