Python Demos to help beginners learn python by project-based learning. Beginners should fork these expamples and play around and expermiment with them to learn Python.
- chat bot template - a terminal based chatbot client and assitant
- calculator - a terminal based calculator that includes a beginner and advanced template for evalutating math expressions
- hangman - terminal based hangman game for guessing words
- guess the number and guess the function - a fun terminal-based beginner game where players have to guess the number or guess the function
- simple calculator - a calculator that supports addition, subtraction, mutliplication, and division
- better calculator - a better version of the above calculator that parses expressions.
- print name - a program that askes for your name and then prints it.
- Menu demo - a demo that has a menu-selector in the terminal where the user can use keys to select different options from the menu