A fascinating game to synchronize the minds of your group. Or at least, see how out of sync they are. :)
- Everyone stands in a circle.
- Two people stand in the center facing each other.
- Everyone counts down, "3..2..1"
- When the countdown finishes, the two people both yell a word at the same time. The word is typically a noun, an actual object in the world, like "fire" and "whale". They may have to repeat themselves after, since it can be hard to understand two words said at once.
- The two people return to the circle. Everyone else starts thinking to themselves, "What single word is at the intersection of those two words?"
- Now two new people enter the circle, whoever is ready first. Once again, everyone else counts down, and the two people yell their words at the same time, like "blubber" and "engine".
- If those two people actually managed to say the same word together, everyone wins and celebration abounds! If not, the game continues until two people finally converge.
- Play multiple rounds until you've had your fill.
#GroupMind #GroupGame #Words