A wrapper tool of TestContainers (go) that handles building and running multiple containers as a declarative dependency stack. It can be used as a CLI tool or embedded as a library. The inspiration for this tool stemmed from the concept of a 'System Under Test' (SUT), often a single (μ)service, used during testing. There was a need for a convenient method to create and manage the SUT's dependencies, as well as its image and configuration parameters. In that way, the SUT can be tested in isolation, without the need to manually create and manage its dependencies and as close as possible to production.
Most of the features provided by TestContainers are supported.
A unique feature provided is the ability to declare replacements for configuration parameters (files, env vars) from previously declared containers in the stack by utilizing a JSONPath pointer to the Docker Inspect JSON.
A library generated configuration can be dumped to a yaml
file that can be reused, modified and executed either via the CLI
tool or the library.
Another unique feature of the CLI tool is the ability to perform hot-reload of the specified config file. This is done either manually or when modifying the source file, resulting in the termination and the redeployment of the containers which were part of the stack (or new ones).
You can install via the GitHub generated releases or via the Go toolchain
go install github.com/PanagiotisGts/gbd/cmd/gbd@latest
- The ID of the network the stack is deployed to (generated)
Dry-Run :
- Run the deployment stack for verification, followed by a cleanup afterward.
- gbd dry-run --config {config.yaml} --context {context_dir}
Watcher :
- Run the deployment stack and watch for changes in the source file. If a change is detected, the stack is redeployed.
- gbd watcher --config {config.yaml} --context {context_dir} [--dump true | false]
Example config file (Same as next Go example)
context: "/usr/projects/my_service"
- image: postgres
version: latest
name: test-postgres
POSTGRES_DB: test_db
- "5432"
alias: pgtc
strategy: log
log: database system is ready to accept connections
isregexp: false
occurrence: 1
pollinterval: 100ms
- image: my_service
version: latest
name: my-service
- config_origin_path: /configs/config.yaml
target_path: /configs/config.yaml
- key: db.host
fromContainer: test-postgres
propertyName: NetworkSettings.Networks[{NETWORK_ID}].Aliases[0]
- key: server.address
value: :8080
- "8080"
alias: my-awesome-service
dockerfile: Dockerfile
VERSION: latest
buildLog: true
strategy: log
log: service is ready to serve requests
isregexp: false
occurrence: 1
pollinterval: 100ms
Sample usage with a Postgres container and a custom service
package test
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
ctDir := "/usr/projects/my_service"
e := gbd.NewEnv(ctDir, []gbd.Dependency{
Image: "postgres",
Version: "latest",
Name: "test-postgres",
Env: map[string]string{
"POSTGRES_USER": "admin",
"POSTGRES_DB": "test_db",
ExposePorts: []string{"5432"},
Alias: "pgtc",
WaitFor: gbd.WaitFor{
Strategy: "log",
WaitForStrategy: wait.ForLog("database system is ready to accept connections"),
Image: "my_service",
Version: "latest",
Name: "my-service",
Build: &gbd.DockerBuild{
Dockerfile: "Dockerfile",
BuildArgs: map[string]*string{},
BuildLog: true,
ExposePorts: []string{"8080"},
ReplaceConfig: []gbd.ConfigReplacement{
ConfigOriginPath: "/configs/config.yaml",
TargetPath: "/configs/config.yaml",
Replacements: []gbd.Replacement{
Key: "database.host",
Value: &gbd.ContainerDerivedValue{
FromContainer: "test-postgres",
ContainerPropertyPath: "NetworkSettings.Networks[{NETWORK_ID}].Aliases[0]",
Key: "server.address",
Value: ":8080",
Alias: "my-awesome-service",
WaitFor: gbd.WaitFor{Strategy: "log", WaitForStrategy: wait.ForLog("service is ready to serve requests")},
stack, err := e.Build(ctx, true)
if err != nil {
myServiceContainer, err := stack.GetComponent("my-service")
port := myServiceContainer.MappedPorts["8080"]