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executable file
413 lines (251 loc) Β· 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
413 lines (251 loc) Β· 12.9 KB

Change Log

All notable changes are listed below.

Documentation of the Change log started at version 0.3.1. All version prior 0.3.1 were beta variations.

[2.3.0] – 04/08/2019


  • Tag associations can now be applied to singular HTML tags.
  • All HTML comments are forcefully ignored from formatting. PrettyDiff has issues parsing nested comments, it is better to avoid HTML comment formatting all together, you can override this by setting ignore_comments: false in the HTML language ruleset.
  • JSON <script type="application/json"> and <script type="application/ld+json"> tags are now formatted by default.


  • Cleaned up the configuration and pattern object builders
  • Parser defaults are now reset on every format

[2.2.4] – 01/08/2019


  • Liquid in JSON is now supported, Liquid syntax contained within application/json, application/ld+json is now highlighted. Syntax contained within JSON property value strings is also supported, eg: "prop": "{{ code }}"


  • Liquid Object Property values are no consistently highlighted.
  • Grammar injection modifications
  • Front matter captures modification which prevents syntax breaking when tripple dash is used.

[2.2.3] – 26/07/2019


  • Remove typescript server reference in package.json

[2.2.2 – 2.2.3] – 26/07/2019


  • Fix yaml frontmatter grammar injections in JS, TS and JSX files.
  • Fix embedded block yaml frontmatter injections in JSON schema.
  • Drop template literal support. Grammar injections now handle this by default. Use Lit HTML or other string literal extensions.

[2.2.1] – 17/07/2019


  • Fix incorrect categorey typo in snippets.
  • Fix denotation highlighting in template literal.

[2.2.0] – 16/07/2019


  • HTML syntax highlighting within Template Literals.
  • HTML Intellisense supported in Template Literals.
  • JavaScript Template literal export support keyword.

Example of new Liquid template literals:

// Basic
  {{ foo }}

// Includes export and path, uses backets)
// Supports the `rollup-liquid-export` plugin
liquid`export path/file {
    {{ foo }}


  • Minor grammar adjustments for literal support

[2.1.5] – 09/07/2019


  • Minify and bundle the extension with rollup (includes prettydiff in output)
  • Fixes .vscodeignore extension packinging, was previously includeing node_modules and other files.


  • String highlighting {% include dir/src.ext %} when no single or double commas are used in include and/or include_relative tag is used.

[2.1.4] – 05/07/2019


  • Fixes comment syntax injection highlighting issue
  • Ignore tag wrapper now use newline when applied

[2.1.3] – 03/07/2019


  • Documentation improvement.

[2.1.2] – 03/07/2019


  • Fixes class extension for generating .liquidrc file
  • Improve documentation.

[2.1.1] – 03/07/2019


  • Fixes Typo in JSON language default configuration
  • Minor improvement on documentation

[2.1.0] – 03/07/2019


  • Fixes Tag Association implementation. Tag associations were removing enforced tag formats, this version fixes this new integration.

[2.0.3] – 03/07/2019


  • Expose and enforce false on the unformatted rule which sorts tag attributes in html and have their insides preserved. This is a HTML rule item.

[2.0.2] – 03/07/2019


  • Enforce false on for HTML language formatting tag sorting

[2.0.1] – 03/07/2019

Minor fix upon release of v2.0.0


  • Removed the deprecations helper, no need for this.

[2.0.0] – 03/07/2019

Version 2.0.0 was a complete overhaul of the extension. Some breaking changes were applied and a new approach to grammars and formatting was implemented.


  • Rules can now use a .liquidrc JSON file to define code style formatting rules
  • Errors will be published to output along with PrettyDiff parser errors.
  • Support for .ts and .jsx files
  • You can now associate tags to a formatting language rule


  • Grammar is now used as an injection, no longer overwriting languages.
  • Configuration rules now use liquid.rules opposed to liquid.beautify.
  • Deprecated liquid.formatIgnore in favor of using an ignore property in the liquid.rules setting object.
  • New apporach to formatting and changed the way the extension works.

[1.8.3] – 17/06/2019

  • Support Shopify section schema settings snippets

[1.8.2] – 17/06/2019

  • Support liquid template literal

[1.8.0] – 17/06/2019

  • Support Markdown files (.md)
  • Various syntax fixez for SCSS, CSS and JS Syntax support
  • Add braces rule in shopify sections schema block
  • Expose the correct rule for HTML Formtting.

[1.7.5] – 17/06/2019

  • Support CSS (.css.liquid) files and syntax

[1.7.4] – 17/06/2019

  • Fix = entity other attribute name syntax highlighting issue

[1.7.3] – 17/06/2019

  • Fixed semi-colon in schema tags

[1.7.2] – 17/06/2019

  • Updated PrettyDiff Version
  • Added brace_block formatting rule which allows newlines to be placed before and after shopify section blocks.
  • Fixed {% style %} formatting. Formatting rules inherit those set within stylesheet.

[1.7.1] – 16/06/2019

  • Added Folding marker integration

[1.7.0] – 16/06/2019

  • Complete overhaul on syntax definitions.
  • Support syntax highlighting for SCSS Liquid .scss.liquid files
  • Support syntax highlighting for JavaScript Liquid .js.liquid files
  • Support syntax highlighting within <script> tags

[1.6.5] – 10/05/2019

  • Minor overhaul on syntax definitions, leverages variable tags.
  • Fixes Shopfy {% javascript %} and {% schema %} syntax highlighting.
  • Make new literal string highlighting injection more sane
  • Format tmLanguage, bring sanity to the ever growing file.

[1.6.4] – 08/05/2019

[1.6.3] – 26/04/2019

  • Revert and re-open #7 comment tags formatting issue caused by PrettyDiff. Issue still not resolved within the PrettyDiff Sparser.
  • Updated readme to include the specifics regarding enforced ignore tags.

[1.6.2] – 25/04/2019

  • Fixes #7 comment tags formatting issue caused by PrettyDiff.

[1.6.1] – 22/04/2019

  • Added default support for .jekyll extension files.
  • Added Frontmatter snippet, enabled when doublde dash is detected, eg: --
  • Accepts any word following underscore case for {% include_* %} tags. This is to help with plugins like Jekyll Cached which will use {% include_cached %}.

[1.6.0] – 14/04/2019

  • Exposed ignore tags option to configuration settings. Allows for tags to be ignored when formatting.
  • Various bug fixes
  • Better Documentation

[1.5.4] – 13/04/2019

  • Fixed {% include %} tag syntax highlighting when using with Jekyll.
  • Added attribute syntax highlighting, any attr="tag" code occurances in liquid tags.
  • Adjusted test files to make more sense.

[1.5.3] – 12/04/2019

  • Added block and item to support syntax class

[1.5.1] – 12/04/2019

  • Fix disable
  • Add status bar icon

[1.5.0] – 12/04/2019

Various fixes, modifications and updates in this version. The extension is now leveraging classes and source was re-wrote.

  • Added
    • --- frontmatter to configurations
    • Schema blocks to folding markers
    • Ignore frontmatter Jekyll when formatting
    • Keybinding of cmd + shift + l can be used
  • Changes
    • Rewrote source files
    • Updated readme.
    • Disabled extensions in development host

[1.4.1] – 07/04/2019

  • Updated readme
  • Changed name to simply "Liquid"

[1.4.0] – 07/04/2019

This version will support formatting by default for any files using a .html, *.html or .liquid extension when the liquid.format setting is set to true.

Extension Changes:

  • Changed extension display name from "Shopify Liquid" to just "Liquid" as the extension now supports Jekyll and basically all Liquid variations.

Added Jekyll Support:

  • Jekyll Frontmatter
  • Jekyll objects like {{ page }} and {{ jekyll }}

Fixed Formatting issues:

  • Fixed enable/disable
  • Code adjustments

[1.2.0] - [1.3.3] – 03/2019

Various Bug fixes

[1.2.0] – 10/03/2019

Additional fixes and ES6 development environment.


  • Use backup editor configuration for tab size
  • Upgraded to extension code to ES6
  • Switched air-bnb eslint for standard


  • Exposed options of PrettyDiff for each code block.
  • Beautify on save will be enabled when "editor.formatOnSave" is true – Which means you can use the Formatting Toggle extension to enable and disable liquid formatting.

[1.1.0] – 10/03/2019

Fixes various bugs and the extension now allows


  • Exposed options of PrettyDiff for each code block.
  • Beautify on save will be enabled when "editor.formatOnSave" is true – Which means you can use the Formatting Toggle extension to enable and disable liquid formatting.

[1.0.0] – 7/3/2019

Version 1.0.0 is a complete overhaul.

The extension now supports liquid formatting. Single file section were removed and will be supported in a seperate extension.

Additionally, several development dependencies were added to better handle development workflow.



  • Single File Sections support was removed.
  • Removed Single File Section snippets
  • Directory re-structure
  • Updated file.

[0.5.0] – 27/2/2019

This version now supports HTML intellisense within .liquid files. This comes at the expense of Liquid snippets being applied when working with .htmlfiles.

This extension now works to extended upon the HTML language where in previous versions it worked more as its own langauge.


  • Additional .html.liquid extension support.


  • Language name, was Shopify Liquid (HTML) now is HTML
  • Removed bracket
  • Eliminated the need to implement Emmet in user configuration.
  • Removed Usage from documentation.

Minor Bug

  • SCSS stylesheet complains of incorrect syntax

[0.4.2] – 16/2/2019


  • Support for {% style %}{% endstyle %} tags added.


  • Re-write liquid matchers.

[0.4.1] – 7/2/2019

This release supports @schema('*') tag imports for Single File Sections. Snippets now support Single File section HTML tags and various logic re-works.


  • import schema tag @schema('*')
  • snippet helpers for single file sections.
  • Tests for new schema import
  • Added deeper level snippet for {% schema %} liquid tag.
  • Added additional information in readme about Single File Sections.


  • Included import tags within readme file along with some minor edits.
  • Fixed placeholder number for liquid stylesheet and javascript tag
  • Prefixed liquid sections snippets from "Tag" to "Liquid Tag" to avoid confusion with single file section snippet helpers.

[0.4.0] – 5/2/2019

This version now supports snippets forked from vscode-liquid-snippets. Prior to this release using vscode-liquid-snippets required an external dependency.

If you're using the vscode-liquid or vscode-liquid-snippets extensions then it's safe to remove them as this release now support both syntax and snippets.



  • Adjusted format of readme
  • Reverted < and > from configuration to avoid conflicts.

[0.3.1] – 2/2/2019

Injection single file section tags now support dash - string matches.


  • Additional Regex match
  • Added change log.


  • Modified file name.
  • Updated single-file-sections.js test file.