An ember-cli addon for using emberx-select with US states populated in Ember applications.
In your application's directory:
$ ember install ember-cli-states-select
Version >= 0.0.7
of this addon is compatible with Ember >= 1.13.X
requires Ember CLI >= 1.13.X
In your Handlebars template:
Pass in the field you want to bind the value of the component to, and you're off and running. This will render a select list with all the states, as shown below:
<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
....Truncated for the sake of brevity...
<label for="someIdForThisComponent">State</label>
on-focus-out=(action "someAction")
The label is only included to show how you would use the 'for'.
class - If you'd like to add a CSS class to the generated <select>
element (like "form-control" from Twitter Bootstrap), pass in a value for 'class'.
id - If you would like to tie a label to the component, pass in an id and then use that id with the 'for' attribute on your label.
onlyDisplayStateCode - Default is false. If you would only like to display the two digit code in your select options, then set this to true. It will render something similar to this:
disabled - Default is false. If you would like to put the control in a disabled state, simply set this to true.
on-focus-out - Pass in an action for when the control loses focus.
show-canada - Show Canadian Provinces
Not yet available.
For more information on the emberx-select component, please see below:
Thanks to this gist for the initial list of states.
Fork this repository, make a feature branch and send in a pull request.