just random generate
Cool Fashion Design UFO
maybe?The development progress of the plugin depends on time and may be stillborn.
This is a plugin for displaying some float windows. Although there have been plug-ins that have implemented similar functions for a long time, nui needs to be installed. I want to implement it through the API that comes with neovim.
- bufline
- cmdline
-- default
require("cfdufo").setup {
buffline = {
-- autocmd, when open two file, buffer change will display
auto = true,
-- if cursor on the top line, it will display on second line
always_top = false,
-- should filename be short?
filename_mx = nil,
keybind = nil,
-- it's a UFO nerdfont, \u{00a0} makes nerdfont complete
icon = "\u{00a0}",
winblend = 100,