A PHP library to generate openvpn keys and configurations.
Based on security considerations taken from:
- https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Hardening
- https://blog.g3rt.nl/openvpn-security-tips.html
New in 2020
- https://blog.securityevaluators.com/hardening-openvpn-in-2020-1672c3c4135a
- https://blog.securityevaluators.com/how-to-harden-openvpn-in-2020-part-2-da51acab3ea8
works on debian 10 jessie with openvpn package installed.
apt-get install openvpn
After including the library with autoloader or manualy, you can initiate and configure the class.
$openvpn = new Paranic\Openvpn();
$openvpn->server_address = '';
$openvpn->server_port = '1194';
$openvpn->protocol = 'udp';
$openvpn->easy_rsa_folder = '/tmp/easy-rsa';
$openvpn->network = '';
$openvpn->netmask = '';
All keys generated will be stored in the easy_rsa/configs folder.
This is going to take some time, creating required keys for the first time.
Again your server configuration is stored at easy_rsa_folder under the keys_packed subfolder.
You can create many clients and get theyr configuration in the keys_packed folder, including a all in one inline client config file.