Data Structures and Algorithms course files
Author : Parinaya Chaturvedi
Creating Abstract Data Type of Sequential Linear List
Using Sequential Linear List Data Type, comparing asymptotic running time of various sorting algorithms like Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Rank Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort.
Creating Abstract Data Type of Singly Linked List. Also creating Abstract Data Type of Stacks and Queues using Linked List Data Type.
Implementing various hashing techniques like direct addresing hash tables, Open Map hash tables, Double Hash Maps, etc. Also using OpenHashMap, implementing LRU Algorithm used in allocating address locations to cache memory.
Creating Abstract Data Types of Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree and using these solving Scheduler problem.
Created header files for Priority Queues. Implemented CPU Interrupt Service Architecture(ISA) using minimum priority queue library.
Creating libraries for directed and undirected graphs implementation for both adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation. Included Breadth First Search(BFS) and Depth First Search(DFS) algorithms for graph traversal. Implemented Floodfill Algorithm using DFS function from the created library.
Adding Kruskal and Prim's Algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree in the previously created graph library.