A dataset for seven different daily human activities including sitdown, standup, liedown, run, walk, fall and bend in an indoor environment.
Paper: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/21/7225/pdf
Work by Parisa Fard Moshiri, Reza Shahbazian, Mohammad Nabati, and Seyed Ali Ghorashi
Dataset Link:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qu8hfdQvygF1U0sB0MRdyLKCfbBiBRwp?usp=sharing
The dataset will be updated after further experiments.
You can check our other works on https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Parisa-Fard-Moshiri-2
The codes that are provided are just some examples for helping students. (Due to further studies, they may not be the exact model used in aforementioned paper)
I edited the codes provided by ludlows on github
Lstm.py = CNN1D , LSTM
CNN.py = CNN2D
BLSTM.py = Attention based BLSTM
makeimage.m = simple example for making image from one data
libraries.txt = libraries versions (compatible for python 3.8.12, cudatoolkit= 11.3.1 , cudnn= 8.2.1)
environment.yml = follow the instruction:
- create a new environment = conda create -n newenv
- conda activate newenv
- copy .yml file in c:/users/pcname
- then update files on ur env from .yml file = conda env update --file environmentgpu.yml
If you have any questions, Contact me by the email i added in codes.