Welcome to the repository for Yapper, a Discord bot created to transcribe Discord voice messages.
Please duplicate .env.example
to .env.prod
and .env.dev
, then modify all the values accordingly and do the same for ./prisma/.env
The default fields here are already configured for running in Docker.
Then: docker compose up
To run this bot you will need Node.js v18.20.2
or higher. Then, using a system installed pnpm
(or, pnpm
provided by corepack with corepack prepare
) run pnpm install
to install the bot's dependencies.
Then, please duplicate .env.example
to .env.prod
and .env.dev
, then modify all the values accordingly and do the same for ./prisma/.env
This bot uses PostgreSQL! The format for a DATABASE_URL
Using RunPod
You will be asked for an RUNPOD_API_KEY
From the RunPod Console, select "Serverless", then "Quick Deploy" and select "Faster Whisper". RunPod will recommend a 24 GB GPU, this is perfectly fine. However, feel free to switch to the "16 GB GPU".
For many developers, you may set your RUNPOD_LQ_ENDPOINT_ID
to the value under the name "Faster Whisper", or whatever custom name you've provided:
Next, select "Settings", expand "API Keys" and create a new API Key with "Read" permission. Write permissions will allow this API key to modify your account, which is probably not what you want. This key is your RUNPOD_API_KEY
- Ready the Database with
pnpm prisma migrate dev
Then, to run the bot in production mode use pnpm start
Or, to run the bot in development mode use pnpm build
Using development mode will provide you with more detailed logs and push guild commands in the specified DEVELOPMENT_GUILD_ID
instead of global commands.
If you run into any problems with either please create an issue.
Follow the instructions here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/get-started/create-local-tunnel
After that's complete, use pnpm tunnel