Hello 👋 , I am Paşa
I ventured into the software realm with an 8-month Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp. Currently, I am employed as a Frontend Developer at a company, predominantly utilizing JavaScript. I conscientiously strive to enhance my Backend skills during opportune moments.
const aboutPasa = {
ProfessionalTitle: "Aspiring Software Developer with a Focus in JavaScript Technologies",
TechnicalSkills: {
CoreSkills: ["C#", "Javascript"],
FrameworksAndLibraries: ["React", "NextJs", "Redux", "TypeScript", "TailwindCSS", "GraphQL", ".NET", ".NET Core", "ASP.NET Core", "ExpressJs" , "NodeJs", "Entity Framework", "MS SQL", "Mongo DB"],
AreasOfInterest: ["Frontend Development", "Backend Development"],
AcademicBackground: ["Civil Engineering"]
CurrentLearningFocus: {
MainLanguage: "JavaScript",
Framework: "NextJs",
CareerAspirations: {
ShortTermGoal: "Secure an Mid-Level Position in Software Development",
LongTermVision: "Become a Specialist in Full Stack Development",
KeyStrengths: ["Problem-Solving Skills", "Eagerness to Learn"]