This project shows you how you can catch a webhook in your Node.js Backend. It is built with express, body-parser and cors.
Furthermore, we also show you how you can decrypt a webhook in the webhookController
Please run the following command inside this projects directory in terminal:
npm install
yarn install
To start the local server, please run:
npm start
yarn start
For local development, you can use a service like e.g ngrok to expose your server to the web. Start ngrok on the same port like this server e.g. with ./ngrok http 5000
This will expose you server on a public https endpoint and you can use this for the route /passbase-webhooks
Now you are able to receive events on this endpoint. If you deploy this server to a hosting service, your webhook endpoint will be YOUR_SERVER_ADDRESS/passbase-webhooks
If you are using encryption for your webhooks, please navigate to the file webhookController.js
and add your webhook secret in line 8 for YOUR_WEBHOOK_SECRET
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.