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Conversation with a famous Urologist

patrickDan1 edited this page May 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

Dr. Johny Hendrix who is an American eminent doctor has discovered a way to increase male penis size without taking medication. The 50-year-old urologist, after 25 years of research at his health center in California managed to devise a method, which he has run on 10,000 of his clients and each of them had 4-8 centimeters increase in length of their penises within a 6-month period. Mark Colman, a 30-year-old client of this doctor told our correspondent, "Before visiting Dr. Hendrix, I tried almost every method available on the market. I used a vacuum for a while, but my penis tissue was damaged and I did not get an increase in size. Later, I used Larger box (Extender), but it caused me a lot of pain, and it did not work. I found the famous capsule on the Internet and used it for 2 months but it does not work and my liver was damaged. I was thinking of surgery when I found Dr. Johny Hendrix. As Dr. Hendrix was a urologist, I came to consult with him about the surgery that I discovered.

Dr. Hendrix devised a method to increase the size of penis up to 8 centimeters, while through surgery only 3 centimeters increase in length could be achieved. Besides, surgery had a high risk and was costly. During the first month of treatment, I could achieve 2 centimeters increase in length of my penis, which seemed to me like a miracle. Now, I am in the third month of treatment, 4.5 cm increase has occurred, and I am sure that after 6 months I will able to achieve my goal. Due to popularity of Dr. Hendrix all over the United States, you have to make an appointment 7 months before your visit. One of the people waiting in his office said: "I'm so excited to see the doctor closely and see how his method works for me. I came from Texas, a very long travel and I have to come back here every month, but it's worth it. I never married because of my small penis and tried a few methods and I was completely disappointed until one of my friends told me about Dr. Hendrix. When I talked to the rest of the clients, I got more excited because I previously believed that I cannot do anything for it.

Even if I get an increase of 4 cm, I think it will have a great impact on confidence. These were some reports from Dr. Hendrix's office in California. During an interview with him, we realized that he is thinking of setting up a website so that all men all over the world can try their method. This method does not require the use of any medication or a specific device, and is merely a staged technique on the penis that is prescribed in the form of a weekly program by the doctor. One of the benefits of this method is improving blood circulation in the penis, which makes the erection much better. The focus of this method is increasing the generating cells in the sponge tissue of the penis. This tissue, whose growth stops at age 17, forms the main part of a male penis. When the person gets excited, the blood enters sponge tissue compartments and makes the penis enlarged. Dr. Hendrix has invented a method that naturally triggers the cell generation of the area again, its chambers become larger, and this makes the penis larger. Question

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