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Search Phrases That are Killing Your Brand

patrickDan1 edited this page May 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Introduction Do you know which search phrases are killing your brand? If you don’t then you should. It is important to know how your customers search before you can deal with the search phrases that are killing your reputation management online. Right now, the most popular way to search the internet is doing a voice search. Even though it has not been perfected yet, people are still trying to make it work. Google has even provided websites incentive to make their websites voice search friendly. This means that the algorithms have been written to provide more weight to those websites. Now that you know how they are searching, we can move onto the phrases that they are searching. To start, you need to know that there is a certain level of negative stuff about your company. This means that you are going to have to deal with that at some point. For now, let’s just focus on the phrases that are hurting your brand.

Searches When it comes to searching, it is important that you know that people don’t search in just one way. If you are making it so that only certain people can find you, then you are doing it wrong. The best way to solve this is by sitting down and having a brainstorming session on all the different ways that people could find you. If any of the phrases are not being addressed, then you are hurting your brand. This means they cannot find you and therefore, you will not be making money off of them. So, try to mix up the ways that you present the same information in case people are searching it differently than you would. Some people type properly, but others are very informal. Meaning, don’t be afraid to use numbers or single letters in place of spelling it out.

Branded and Non-Branded When it comes to branded and non-branded, you need to be aware of this also. When someone makes a branded search, they include the name of the brand in their query. A non-branded search excludes brand. For example, if you are looking for “coffee” you are going to get a much different result if you search “Starbucks coffee.” The former is a non-branded search and the later is a branded search. Make certain that you not only put your branded anchor texts but your non-branded text as well. This will help you to rank higher and improve your reputation over time.

Competitors The best way to figure out the way that you need to have search phrases organized is by looking at your competitor. If they are ranking above you, then they are doing so for a reason. Take a look at what they are doing and replicate that using your own ideas.

Conclusion To maximize your reputation management online, it is important to understand what makes a good search and a bad search. The bad searches are the ones that are killing your brand. This means that you are going to have to make some modifications on the way that people find your company.

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