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Nuclear Forensics of the B8: Heisenberg's Last Reactor

This repository has all the code and data in support of our paper.
Read the paper»

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments


Patrick J. Park - (permanent) Project Link:

About The Project

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Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.



  1. Get a free API Key at
  2. Clone the repo
    git clone
  3. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  4. Enter your API in config.js
    const API_KEY = 'ENTER YOUR API';

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Code & Data Processing Walkthrough

In this section, I'll describe what my (often Python-scripted) MCNP inputs do and how I processed the MCNP outputs to obtain the data I got. I'll go folder-by-folder.

B8 Fiducial - Flux

MCNP Input File:


The following SDEF card defines a Radon-Beryllium source. It is modeled as a point source, located at (0, 0, 62) of the MCNP model (center of the B8). It has a distribution of emitted neutron energies d1 defined by the energy bins in MeV in si1 and the probability of each bin in sp1, e.g., no neutrons < 0.316 MeV, 0.347% between 0.316 MeV to 0.398 MeV, etc. This data is from the IAEA Compendium of Neutron Spectra (1990), p.79.

sdef  pos= 0 0 62  erg=d1  par=n
si1  0.316   0.398   0.501   0.631   0.794   1.00    1.26
     1.58    2.00    2.51    3.16    3.98    5.01    6.31
     7.94   10.0    12.6 
sp1     0    3.47e-3 2.66e-3 1.65e-3 2.03e-3 1.06e-2 2.75e-2 
     5.19e-2 6.55e-2 7.31e-2 9.95e-2 1.64e-1 1.78e-1 1.21e-1
     1.41e-1 5.71e-2 1.39e-3 

Having defined our RaBe source, this F4 tally card meaures the volume flux per source neutron in the heavy water (material 1100) + all the fuel cubes (mats 2001-6024).

fc14 n flux in hwtr + fuel
f14:n (1100 2001 2002 2003 2004
            6023 6024)

This NPS card states we will run the calculation with 1e6 source neutrons emitted from our RaBe source. The F4 tally normalizes results to be per 1 source neutron anyways, so bigger the NPS the better fidelity. Then, you can manually scale your flux to the real number of neutrons being emitted by the RaBe source per second, if you know its activity (which we do not for the B8).

nps 1e6

This KCODE card calculates $k_\text{eff}$ with 200,000 source neutrons (this time the source of neutrons being the coordinates of the centers of each fuel cube in KSRC), 115 active cycles, and 15 discarded cycles (giving time for the neutron population to converge). I commented it out (c) because I had calculated $k_\text{eff}$ in Case R of the other B8 Fiducial folder, but you can also uncomment this and run it yourself.

c kcode 200000 1 15 115

MCNP Output File:


The F4 tally results can be found by searching for "1tally 14":

1tally       14        nps =     1000000
+                                   n flux in hwtr + fuel                                                      
           tally type 4    track length estimate of particle flux.      units   1/cm**2        
           particle(s): neutrons 
           cell  a is (1100 2001 2002 [...] 6024)                                                                                                             

                   cell:        a                                                                                  
 cell (1100 2001 2002 [...] 6023 6024)                                                                   
    1.0000E-09   7.96402E-07 0.0029
    1.0267E-09   4.22215E-08 0.0049
    1.0541E-09   4.44174E-08 0.0049
    1.0822E-09   4.71006E-08 0.0048
    1.9480E+01   9.35945E-11 0.2124
    2.0000E+01   8.17292E-11 0.2549
      total      2.26368E-03 0.0027

We have energy bins, the neutron flux tallied within each energy range, and the error. We just copy this into a .csv and plot it in Excel (or Python matplotlib).

B8 Fiducial - k_eff - Sensitivty Analyses

This is where understanding my code gets a little tricky, because I wrote a huge Python wrapper to automate writing + processing MCNP for me. I don't think anyone will really use my code anyways, but I'll write it out just as due diligence.

Here's the folders in this directory:

  • ./Figures/ - For data processing. I don't have any scripts that touch this folder.
  • ./MCNP/ - Where my Python wrapper writes MCNP inputs and stores MCNP outputs + the temporary directory for when MCNP is actively writing. You should not have to touch anything in here unless MCNP throws an error, in which case you need to go in and manually delete the erroneous input or output (failsafe to prevent any unintentional overwrites).
  • ./Results/ - Where the CSVs collating results get written.
  • ./Source/ - Where my Python wrapper scripts and MCNP templates are kept. If you just want to replicate my data exactly, you shouldn't need to touch this folder. If you want to tweak certain parts of my sensitivity analysis, e.g., test criticality at an even lower moderator purity, then you only need to touch

I'll now try to walk through executing my code and what happens under the hood.

Executing the Python Wrapper

Ideally, executing this all is relatively simple (duh, that's the point of scripting everything, except for the 7,621 times it breaks!). In your terminal, cd to this directory and use:

python -r <run_type> -t <tasks>

You have three options for <run_type> or 'cases':

  • A: perturb U cube density
  • B: perturb D2O mol% purity (remainder as H2O)
  • J: I have legacy data about case J where I elongate the cubes of chains from (9 + 8) to (10 + 9).
  • R: reference fiducial cases

(When I was really deep in the trenches, I actually had A through S)

The <tasks> is the number of logical processors you have on your computer. You can leave the -t argument empty, and will check how many you have for you.

Let's say we want to perturb the U cube density, so we use run_type = A, and I have 32 logical processors :

python -r A -t 32

What the Wrapper Does: MCNP Input Processing

Step 1

Now that we've executed run type A, from, we then read the FUEL_DENSITIES we want to test from

elif run_type == 'A':
    for fuel_density in FUEL_DENSITIES:
      current_run = Sensitivity(run_type,

This then populates the Sensitivity class in

class Sensitivity(MCNP_File):

which has a MCNP_File class defined in

class MCNP_File:
    def __init__(self,run_type,tasks,
               delete_extensions=['.s'],  # default: '.s'
               r_tank=TANK_RADIUS, #  61.7 cm
               h_tank=TANK_HEIGHT, # 124.0 cm
               [...] )

Step 2 is where the bulk of the scripting occurs. In the MCNP_File class, we first define, calculate, etc. all of the necessary physical parameters. To do so, I also call several helper functions from For example, we calculate the D2O density to program into the MCNP input, using the helper d2o_temp_K_to_mass_density(d2o_temp_K):

self.d2o_density = (1-0.01*self.d2o_void_percent)*d2o_temp_K_to_mass_density(d2o_temp_K)

where we set d2o_temp_K to the B8's ambient 11 C (AMBIENT_TEMP_K = 284 in

Step 3

Then, we use the physical constants to write code chunks in MCNP syntax. For instance, we need to call the necessary cross section libraries for particle transport in the moderator. Like described in the paper, we want to perform temperature interpolation. So in we run the function find_xs_libs():

def find_xs_libs(self):
  self.d2o_mats_interpolated_str = wtr_interpolate_mat(self.d2o_temp_K, d2o_atom_percent=self.d2o_purity)

which calls wtr_interpolate_mat() from

def wtr_interpolate_mat(temp_K, d2o_atom_percent=0):
  return wtr_mats_interpolated

For a given temperature in Kelvin temp_K, this function performs pseudomaterial interpolation for a water mixture of D2O and H2O. Mathematically, this interpolation is represented as the following. For desired temperature $T$ bracketed by two xs libraries of temperatures $T_L &lt; T &lt; T_H$, the fraction of atoms associated with the lower temperature is:

$$f_L = \frac{\sqrt{T_H}-\sqrt{T}}{\sqrt{T_H}-\sqrt{T_L}},$$

and the fraction of the higher-temperature library is $f_H = 1 - f_L$ such that the total cross section $\Sigma$ of the nuclide is evaluated as:

$$\Sigma(T) = f_L \cdot \Sigma(T_L) + f_H \cdot \Sigma(T_H).$$

Let's run wtr_interpolate_mat() by itself (just execute itself) to see how $f_L$ and $f_H$ get calculated:

>>> wtr_interpolate_mat(294, d2o_atom_percent=100)
"1002.00c 2.00    8016.00c 1.00"
>>> wtr_interpolate_mat(294, d2o_atom_percent=50)
"1001.00c 1.00    1002.00c 1.00    8016.00c 1.00"
>>> wtr_interpolate_mat(284, d2o_atom_percent=96.8)
"1001.06c 0.0141  1001.00c 0.0499    1002.06c 0.426529  1002.00c 1.509471  8016.00c 1.00"

In the first case of 100% D2O at 294 K (21 C), we can see that isotopes 1002 (D) and 8016 (O) have xs library .00c exactly at 294 K. So we get 2 deuterons at 294 K (1002.00c 2.00) and 1 oxygen atom at 294 K (8016.00c 1.00), i.e., D2O.

In the second case of 50% D2O (and the other 50% H2O), we have 1/2 H2O + 1/2 D2O = 1 H (1001) + 1 D (1002) + 1 O (8016).

The third case of 96.8% D2O + 3.2% H2O at 284 K (11 C) is the card we need for the fiducial B8. Each isotope is split proportionally between the two closest xs libraries (.00c at 294 K and .06c at 250 K).

Step 4

We also create the names of our MCNP input and outputs so that its parameters are self-evident from the file name. To avoid any processing issues, we replace any decimals with an underscore _.

self.base_filename = f"{self.template_filepath.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]}-case{self.run_type}"
if self.run_type in ['A','B']:
            self.input_filename = f"{self.base_filename}-d2o{'{:.1f}'.format(self.d2o_purity).replace('.','_')}-Urho{'{:.2f}'.format(self.fuel_density).replace('.','_')}.inp"
self.output_filename = f"o_{self.input_filename.split('.')[0]}.out"

Some examples of self.input_filename and self.output_filename are:



We can read that case A keeps the moderator purity constant at the reference 96.8 mol% D2O while changing the fuel density, and vice versa for case B, just as God (yours truly) intended.

Step 5

Once we do that, we load everything into a dictionary self.parameters:

self.parameters = {'datetime': self.datetime,
                   'run_type': self.run_type,
                   'r_tank' : self.r_tank,
                   'h_tank' : self.h_tank,
                   'n_rings': self.n_rings,
                   'h_h2o_sab_lib': self.h_h2o_sab_lib,
                   'd_d2o_sab_lib': self.d_d2o_sab_lib,}

it into the b8.template MCNP input template using the Jinja2 package:

if self.print_input:
    with open(self.template_filepath, 'r') as template_file:
        template_str =
        template = Template(template_str)**self.parameters).dump(self.input_filepath)

Step 6

Now that the MCNP input file is written, then checks if you have mcnp (check_mcnp boolean) and if so, calls the function to run MCNP:

elif run_type == 'A': # Uranium Density
    for fuel_density in FUEL_DENSITIES:
        current_run = Sensitivity(run_type, tasks,
        if check_mcnp:

where run_mcnp() is in

def run_mcnp(self):
    if self.output_filename not in os.listdir(self.outputs_folder):
        cmd = f"""mcnp6 i="{self.input_filepath}" n="{self.user_temp_folder}/{self.output_filename.split('.')[0]}." tasks {self.tasks}"""
        self.mcnp_skipped = False
        self.mcnp_skipped = True

Notice that MCNP is writing outputs to a temporary ./MCNP/<run_type>/temp/ folder. After MCNP finishes, we then move the outputs to ./MCNP/<run_type>/outputs/ folder with move_mcnp_files() in

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What the Wrapper Does: MCNP Output Processing

Step 7

Once the MCNP run is completed, then moves the MCNP output file from the /temp/ folder to the /outputs/ folder. (This /temp/ folder gets deleted and created again by before the next MCNP input is run, so we just move the desired .o file out and the rest of the outputs we don't need gets trashed.)


Step 8

In process_keff(), located, we then process the MCNP output file. It first sets up a CSV to collate all our results. It then calls extract_keff(), also in, to read the output file to look for the calculated $k_\text{eff}$, its $\pm 1 \sigma$ uncertainty, and the thermal neutron fraction in the model.

def process_keff(self): # paraphrased for

    self.keff_filename = f'{self.base_filename}-keff.csv'
    self.keff_filepath = f"{self.results_folder}/{self.keff_filename}"

    if self.run_type in ['A']:
        self.index_var, self.index_header, self.index_data = self.fuel_density, 'fuel density (g/cc)', FUEL_DENSITIES
    elif self.run_type in ['B']:
        self.index_var, self.index_header, self.index_data = self.d2o_purity, 'modr purity (mol%)', MODR_PURITIES


    df_keff.loc[self.index_var, "keff"] = self.keff
    df_keff.loc[self.index_var, "keff unc"] = self.keff_unc
    df_keff.loc[self.index_var, "therm n %"] = self.therm_n_frac

    df_keff.to_csv(self.keff_filepath, encoding='utf8')

Rinse and repeat Steps 1-8 until you ran and processed all the MCNP runs you want!

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B8 HCP Lattice - Criticality Optimization

This folder has the same structure as ./B8 Fiducial - k_eff - Sensitivity Analyses/. I separated the two because writing the MCNP input for the HCP B8 required different template and calculations in than the fiducial B8. All code in this folder is fully standalone from ./B8 Fiducial - k_eff - Sensitivity Analyses/ and vice versa.

You execute this code identically as, except now it's called just so you can differentiate it. In your terminal, cd to this directory and use:

python -r <run_type> -t <tasks>

You have one option for <run_type> (I am a generous god):

  • SC: perturb moderator volume and number of cubes (set in

(SC is just a holdover designation from before I cleaned up all the other different cases I decided not to publish.)

The <tasks> is the number of logical processors you have on your computer. You can leave the -t argument empty, and will check how many you have for you. I paid for 32 logical processors so I'm gonna use 32 logical processors:

python -r SC -t 32

Ride out the MCNP runs and collect the CSV of all the results in ./Result/SC/.

To make my contourf plot, you don't need to touch anything, just execute


B8 Unit Cell - k_inf

I drew the Unit Cell in my paper as a cylinder, but in the MCNP code it's actually a hexagonal prism (of equivalent Voronoi cross sectional area + volume). I just couldn't be bothered to draw a hexagon in SVG-Edit, which is the software I used to draw figures of the different B8 models. Same difference, though (honestly).

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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lmao what license

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Heisenberg's B8 reactor from WW2 (all code + data)






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