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MVS 3.8j TK5 Update 2 as docker container

MVS TK5 is an implementation of OS/VS2 MVS Release 3.8J. The successors to MVS 3.8, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, OS/390 and z/OS all demonstrate their OS/VS MVS 3.8 heritage.

Building and running MVS-TK5 as container

Building the container is controlled through the Dockerfile found in the root directory of this repository. T

Building blocks

Changes to TK5 Update 2

The following changes were applied to the default TK5 Update 2 configuration

  • Remove embedded Hercules
  • Remove all Windows related startup files
  • Remove support to run Hercules in unattended (daemon) mode
  • Modifed startup files
  • Added support for user defined DASD using docker volume

Building the MVS-TK5 Docker Image

  • Building the Docker image
docker build -t mvs-tk5:latest .

Running TK5 as container

When running the container, hercules, the mainframe System/370 emulator, will be started, configured to run MVS 3.8j, and an IPL of TK5 is performed. Once MVS has started, it can be accessed using a TN3270 emulator using port 3270. The Hercules console can be access by connecting to http://localhost:8038 using any web browser.

docker run --name mvs-tk5 -it -p 3270:3270 -p 8038:8038 --cap-add=sys_nice --mount src=mvs-tk5-dasd.usr,target=/opt/tk5/dasd.usr mvs-tk5
Parameters Description
--name <name> Name of the container to be created, e.g. mvs-tk5
-it Attach interactive terminal to view log output
-p <host port>:<container port> Maps ports between host and container
Port 3270: Telnet 3270 to access MVS
Port 8038 to access the Hecules console
--cap-add=sys_nice Grants the container the CAP_SYS_NICE capability, which allows the container to raise process nice values, set real-time scheduling policies, set CPU affinity, and other operations.
--mount src=<volume>,target=/opt/tk5/dasd.usr Uses the volume specified by <volume> and maps it to the containers file system as specified by target=
Creates a volume, e.g. mvs-tk5_dasd.usr and maps it to the containers internal file system as /opt/tk5/dasd.usr to mount additional DASD[^1] that are not part of the system configuration in a persistent storage.
By default all DASD are stored in the directory /opt/tk5/dasd, user created DASD should be placed in /opt/tk5/dasd.usr
Details on how to create additional DASD and configure MVS to use them can be found in the section Customizing MVS=TK5

Loading of MVS-TK5 is completed when the following is shown on the Hercules console:

Login into MVS-TK5

  • Connect to port 3270 on your local host using an 3270 Emulator
  • Logon using HERC02 as user and CUL8TR as password
    image image image
  • Accept the welcome messages until you see the ISPF Primary Menu

Customizing TK5

Changing the Timezone

  • Select 2 (Edit) from the ISPF primary option menu


  • Change the Time Zone setting

    "E" or "W" to specify a time zone east or west or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) HH specifies the number of hours deviation from GMT (00-12) MM specifies the number of minutes. Optional parameter. (00-59) SS specifies the number of seconds. Optional parameter (00-59)


Enabling the CBT Catalogue

To make the CBT Volumes accessibles submit job **SYS1.SETUP.CNTL(MVS0170) [issue sub on the Command line when viewing/editing the dataset]. This connects the SYS1.UCAT.CBT user catalog to the master catalog and defines the CBT, CBTCOV, CBT072, CBT129, CBT249, CBT429 HLQ as aliases.

Change MSGCLASS from 'A' to 'H' so that the result of the job can be viewed


Adding User DASD

There are different DASD types that vary in capacity; typical models as 3330, 3340, 3350, 3380, 3390, etc.

MVS communicates to DASD through addresses. MVS-TK5 has assigned the following address ranges for DASD devices: image

In MVS-TK5 the following addresses for DASD Model 3350 are in use:

Address Volume
0140 WORK00
0149-014A SMP001, SMP002
014B-014C SMP003, SMP004
0240-0241 PUB000, PUB010
0340-0342 CBT000, CBT001, CBT002
For the actual use of addresses refer to the conf/tk5-.cnf file

Create and configure a user DASD

  1. Create the DASD
    For our purpose we want to create the following volume to store user data:

    Address Model Volume
    034A 3350 USR000

    To create the DASD image hercules provides a utility called dasdinit. The terminal console of the container can be accessed either by using the Docker Dashboard or by launching a terminal session using docker exec -it mvs-tk5 /bin/bash and use the following command to create the DASD.

    dasdinit -z -a /opt/tk5/dasd.usr/usr000.34a 3350 USR000

    This creates a new DASD of Type 3350 with the Volume name USR000

    HHC02499I Hercules utility dasdinit - DASD image file creation program - version
    HHC01414I (C) Copyright 1999-2022 by Roger Bowler, Jan Jaeger, and others
    HHC01417I ** The SoftDevLabs version of Hercules **
    HHC01415I Build date: Mar 28 2023 at 10:51:26
    HHC00462I 0:0000 CKD file /opt/tk5/dasd.usr/usr000.34a: creating 3350 volume USR000: 560 cyls, 30 trks/cyl, 19456 bytes/track
    HHC00460I 0:0000 CKD file /opt/tk5/dasd.usr/usr000.34a: 560 cylinders successfully written
    HHC02423I DASD operation completed

  2. Attach DASD
    In order for MVS to communicate with the DASD it must be attached. To attach the DASD at address 34A in the running configuration use the following command in the Hercules console:

    attach 034a 3350 dasd.usr/usr000.34a
  3. Initalize the DASD Image for use by MVS Although the dasdinit program creates the raw DASD image, MVS requires additional information that is not written by dasdinit. The following JCL initalizes newly created DASD as Volume USR000 using address 34A, and assigns 1 Cylinder (30 Tracks) for the VTOC.

    //INITDASD JOB (INITDASD),                                            
    //             'Initialize DASD',                                     
    //             CLASS=A,                                               
    //             MSGCLASS=H,                                            
    //             MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                         
    //* Name: (DEFCAT)                                                    
    //* Desc: Initializes a DASD for use with MVS                         
    //STEP1    EXEC PGM=ICKDSF,REGION=4096K                               
    //SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                                              
    //SYSIN    DD   *                                                     

    You will be asked to confirm that you actually want to initialize the volume at the address specified:


    The reply of U allows the initialization to proceed. There will be a number of informational messages printed in the SYSPRINT output during the executing of ICKDSF. The most important thing to verify is that the return code for the job is 0000.

  4. Set the volume online and mount it with the appropriate storage use class
    After the volume is initialized, it must be placed online before MVS will be able to allocate the volume to allow jobs to create datasets on it. On the MVS console issue the command

    /v <address>,online`

    After the volume is set online it must be mounted.

    /m 34a,vol=(sl,usr000),use=private

    By using use=private new datasets will be created on this volume only if the user (via JCL or the TSO ALLOCATE command) specifies the volume serial of this disk volume.

  5. Add the new volume to the MVS & Hercules configuration so it will be mounted automatically

    • Edit MVS Configuration
      By modifying SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST00) MVS will be instructed to automatically mount the volume, if accessible, and assign storage class 2 (Private)

      USR000,0,2,3350    ,N                  User Volume 1 
    • Edit Hercules Configuration
      Modify the file usr_dasd.cnf in the folder /opt/tk5/dasd.usr to automatically attach the newly created dasd at address 34a. This file is referenced as include in the MVS-TK5 base configuration file (/opt/tk5/conf/tk5-.cnf)

      # User Added DASD
      034a 3350 dasd.usr/usr000.34a

      To modify the file use the Docker Dashboard or use the following command to edit it

      docker exec -it mvs-tk5 nano /opt/tk5/dasd.usr/usr_dasd.cnf
  6. Set Up User Catalogs
    Generally, when adding new storage space to the system, it is also a good time to think about how that storage space will integrate with the catalog structure in place for the system.

    During System Generation, a VSAM Master Catalog was created. It resides on MVSRES and the dataset name of the catalog itself is SYS1.VSAM.MASTER.CATALOG. Although any new datasets you created can be catalogued in the Master Catalog, it is not considered a good practice and would undoubtedly not be allowed in any real world shop.

    To create a User catalog called UCUSR000 that resides on the new volume USR000 that will be connected to the master catalog, submit the following JCL:

    //DEFCAT   JOB (DEFCAT),                                              
    //             'Define User Catalog',                                 
    //             CLASS=A,                                               
    //             MSGCLASS=H,                                            
    //             MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                         
    //* Name: (DEFCAT)                                                    
    //* Desc: Defines a User for the volume(s) specified by //VOL1        
    //*       and create a user catalog on the voluem specifice in the    
    //*       VOLUME (xxxxxx) parameter in DEFINE USERCATALOG.            
    //*       After creating the User catalog, define an alias for all    
    //*       DNS with the High level Qualifer specified in NAME(xxxxx)   
    //*       and relate it to the User catalog                           
    //STEP1    EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4096K                        
    //SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=A                                       
    //VOL1     DD   VOL=SER=USR000,UNIT=3350,DISP=OLD              
    //SYSIN    DD   *                                              
        DEFINE USERCATALOG -                                      
              (NAME (UCUSR000) -                                  
               VOLUME (USR000) -                                  
               CYLINDERS (20) -                                   
               FOR (9999) -                                       
               BUFFERSPACE (8192) )                               
        /* Define Alias for all dataset start with PRATHS      */ 
        DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(PRATHS) RELATE (UCUSR000) )             

Connecting an existing volume to a system

When a volume is brought into the system from a prior functioning system that has its own User Catalog on the volume, the volume must be attached, added to the MVS configuration, and the catalog connected to the master catalog

  1. Copy DASD file
    Copy the DASD file to /opt/tk5/dasd.usr directory, respectively run docker using docker run --name mvs-tk5 -it --mount src=mvs-tk5_dasd.usr,target=/opt/tk5/dasd.usr -p 3270:3270 -p 8038:8038 mvs-tk5:latest with a docker volume that already contains the DASD files

  2. Attach the DASD file mount the volume

    • Attach DASD & mount it Attach the DASD using the following command in the MVS console:
    attach 034a 3350 dasd.usr/usr000.34a

    Once the DASD is attach, set it online using /v 34a,online and mount it /m 34a,vol=(sl,usr000),use=private

  3. Modify the MVS configuration to automatically mount the DASD

    • Edit MVS Configuration
      By modifying SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST00) MVS will be instructed to automatically mount the volume, if accessible, and assign storage class 2 (Private)

      USR000,0,2,3350    ,N                  User Volume 1 
    • Edit Hercules Configuration
      Modify the file /opt/tk5/dasd.usr/usr_dasd.cnf to automatically attach the newly created dasd at address 34a. This file is referenced as include in the TK5- base configuration file (/opt/tk5/conf/tk5-.cnf)

      # User Added DASD
      034a 3350 dasd.usr/usr000.34a
  4. Import existing Catalog
    As the existing volume already contains a User Catalog it must be imported and connected to the master catalog using:

    //IMPCAT   JOB (IMPCAT),                                              
    //             'Import User Catalog',                                 
    //             CLASS=A,                                               
    //             MSGCLASS=H,                                            
    //             MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                         
    //* Name: (IMPCAT)                                                    
    //* Desc: Imports an existing User catalog and creates alias(es)      
    //STEP1    EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4096K                               
    //SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=A                                              
    //VOL1     DD   UNIT=3350,DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=USR000                     
    //SYSIN    DD   *                                                     
      DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(PRATHS) RELATE(UCUSR000))                         

Running TK5 as a docker service using Docker Compose

The following is an example of the compose.yaml file to run mvs-tk5. In addition to the volume for user defined DASD additional volumes are being used for the following devices for easier access and to to minimise run-time changes to the container.

Device Description Location in TK5 file system
User DASD User defined DASD as described above /opt/tk5/dasd.usr
Logs TK5 Log files /opt/tk5/log
Tape Tapes /opt/tk5/tape
Printer Printer spool files /opt/tk5/prt
Punch Card Reader /opt/tk5/pch
# Define services
    image: praths/mvs-tk5:latest
    container_name: mvs-tk5
    stdin_open: true          # docker run -i
    tty: true                 # docker run -t
      - SYS_NICE
    network_mode: bridge
      - 3270:3270
      - 8038:8038
      - dasd.usr:/opt/tk5/dasd.usr
      - log:/opt/tk5/log
      - tape:/opt/tk5/tape
      - prt:/opt/tk5/prt
      - pch:/opt/tk5/pch
    restart: no

  # System DASD
  # User DASD
    driver: local
      type: 'none'
      o: 'bind'
      device: '/home/user/tk5/dasd.usr'
  # System Logs
    driver: local
      type: 'none'
      o: 'bind'
      device: '/home/user/tk5/log'
  # Tape Devices
    driver: local
      type: 'none'
      o: 'bind'
      device: '/home/user/tk5/tape'
  # Printers
    driver: local
      type: 'none'
      o: 'bind'
      device: '/home/user/tk5/prt'
  # Card Readers
    driver: local
      type: 'none'
      o: 'bind'
      device: '/Users/praths/Documents/tk5/pch'