This app was thought to be a tool to develop emotional awareness and literacy skills. The target audience would be kids between 6 and 10 years-old. The app consists in creating mood logs that can be accessed through categories and which ocurrences can be displayed considering a certain period of time.
At this stage some minimal features were implemented only. Implementing new features and a more kid friendly design will be tackled in the next steps of this project.
- Run yarn in project root folder to install express. yarn start to run servers on port 5000.
- cd client folder
- run yarn to install React.
- yarn start to run servers on port 3000.
Access MySQL in your terminal by running mysql -u root -p. Create new database called mood_wood: type create database moodwood. In MySQL, type use moodwood Copy and paste de data below (ONE TABLE EACH TIME):
Apologies in advance for this mess and extra work you have to do! 🙈 This is for your patience : 💐
- First table:
create table emergency ( feeling varchar(20) null, because mediumtext null, id int auto_increment, constraint emergency_ID_uindex unique (id) );
alter table emergency add primary key (id);
- Second table:
create table moodIcon ( Id int auto_increment primary key, Image blob null );
- Third table:
create table parent ( id int auto_increment, lastname text null, firstname text not null, email text null, username varchar(25) not null, constraint parent_Id_uindex unique (id), constraint parent_UserName_uindex unique (username) );
alter table parent add primary key (id);
- Fourth table:
create table kid ( Id int auto_increment primary key, Parent_Id int null, FirstName tinytext null, parent_username int null, constraint kid_Parent_Id_uindex unique (Parent_Id), constraint kid_parent__fk foreign key (Parent_Id) references parent (id) on update cascade on delete cascade );
- Fifth table:
create table log ( Id int auto_increment primary key, Kid_Id int not null, MoodIconId int not null, Text text not null, Date date null, constraint log_Kid_Id_uindex unique (Kid_Id), constraint log_MoodIconId_uindex unique (MoodIconId), constraint log_kid__fk foreign key (Kid_Id) references kid (Id) on update cascade on delete cascade, constraint log_moodIcon__fk foreign key (MoodIconId) references moodIcon (Id) on update cascade on delete cascade );
Add a .env file to root folder containing the MySQL authentication information for MySQL user. Install a MySQL extension in your source-code editor. This will give you access to MySQL directly from your editor where you can see 5 new different tables: in your database: emergency, moodicon, parent, kid and log.
Your database should look like this:
The editor used in this project was Visual Studio Code:
Version: 1.41.0 Commit: 9579eda04fdb3a9bba2750f15193e5fafe16b959 Date: 2019-12-11T17:58:38.338Z Electron: 6.1.5 Chrome: 76.0.3809.146 Node.js: 12.4.0 V8: 7.6.303.31-electron.0 OS: Darwin x64 18.7.0
MySQL extension used:
Name: MySQL Id: formulahendry.vscode-mysql Description: MySQL management tool Version: 0.4.0 Publisher: Jun Han VS Marketplace Link:
This was the first idea. The project in this file looks different and the flow for sure will continue to evolve.
- Express
- Node.js
- React
- Bootstrap
This is a student project that was created at CodeOp, a full stack development bootcamp in Barcelona.