- Point
to a fork (https://github.com/paulzierep/shiny-phyloseq) whereBiocManager
is only installed if required. Thus starting the app without installations (since all packages are installed in the container) which should allow galaxy to run the app.
docker build . -t 'shiny-phyloseq'
docker run -p 3838:3838 shiny-phyloseq
docker run -v /home/paul/git/my-repositories/shiny-phyloseq/data:/shiny_input -p 3838:3838 shiny-phyloseq #with the hacked galaxy input
- Create a release in github
- The CI will push it to quay.io
Test with:
docker pull quay.io/paulzierep/shinyphyloseq:0.1
Access on
- just run
; then kill it withtimeout
- the tool wrapper: usegalaxy-eu/galaxy#233
- the tool fork: https://github.com/paulzierep/shiny-phyloseq
Get Galaxy !
GALAXY_PATH=~/git/galaxy # modify
mv $GALAXY_PATH/config/galaxy.yml.interactivetools $GALAXY_PATH/config/galaxy.yml
mv $GALAXY_PATH/config/job_conf.yml.interactivetools $GALAXY_PATH/config/job_conf.yml
mv $GALAXY_PATH/config/tool_conf.xml.sample $GALAXY_PATH/config/tool_conf.xml #add interactive tools