- create a MySQL database + populate it with db/schema.sql + seed it
be in the root of your application in your terminal
if you have no password on your local mysql database:
mysql -u root
USE groupon_db;
source db/schema.sql;
source db/seeds.sql
- update config/connection.js to match your own database credentials (note: Windows machines probably won't be 3306)
- push all code to github
- push repo to heroku (do not include a index.php and composer.json file)
- login to the heroku website
- click on the app that you made on the heroku website. If you forgot what your app is - then you can run
heroku open
in your terminal in your app directory. The url of your app is the app name on the heroku website. - add jawsdb to your heroku app.
- click on the jawsdb app on the heroku website.
- using the credentials listed, login to your mysql database like this in your terminal. Be sure to be in the root of your application folder in the terminal.
Don't forget to take off the < > brackets
There is no space after u and p. This is not a typo.
mysql -h <database url goes here> -u<username goes here> -p<password goes here>
then USE yourDBNameGoesHere
then source db/schema.sql;
then do control + c to get out of the mysql console.
heroku logs
to debug things
This is an app where there are two types of users, companies and customers. Companies can create coupons and Customers can buy coupons.
Technologies used: Express.js (routing), Handlebars (templating), jQuery (ajax, interactivity), MySQL (database)
In controllers/couponsController.js you will see basic authorization (which users can see what in the app).
In views/layouts/main.handlebars, you will see the layout file for the application.
In views/partials/coupons, you will see the partial views (snippets of html that can be used in other view files) that are used in the views/coupons files.
In controllers/usersController.js there is user authentication implemented (login, registration) leveraging the bcrypt npm package.
In the db/schema.sql file there is the database architecture of the application (the tables).
- comment the hell out of this
- make videos explaining different parts of this app
- go over authentication
* authentication
* authorization
* hitting a route via ajax
* hitting a route via a form
* handlebars
get route
companies can see
all the coupons that the users have purchased from their company
get route
-> for user to see all the coupons that they have bought
get route
customers can see
all the coupons
-> button that says buy now
-> post request to insert into the user_coupons table
get route
form to create a coupon