MyWall is a wallpaper library which can set scrollable and crop wallpaper. In wallpaper application developer have to fight with so many extra code which is almost same for all kind of wallpaper application. So i decided to develop a library for wallpaper application. This library has three options
Set Scroll-able Wallpaper
Set Lock Wallpaper
Set Crop Wallpaper
Add this dependency in your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.paveltech.MyWall:wallpaper:1.0.7'
You don't need any permission for this library.It will automatically handel this. This library written by kotlin. Just pass a image link.
Also you have three more category
.to(WallpaperApplyTask.Apply.HOMESCREEN()) // scrollable wallpaper
.to(WallpaperApplyTask.Apply.HOME_CROP_WALLPAPER()) // this is for crop wallpaper
.to(WallpaperApplyTask.Apply.HOMESCREEN_LOCKSCREEN()) // for wallpaper and lock screen both
Just change the Apply option for your requirnemn
. Also we have some callback option.WallpaperApplyTask.OnMessageCallBack
With CallBack full code be will like
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() , WallpaperApplyTask.OnMessageCallBack{
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
override fun carryWallpaperMessage(message: String) {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext , ""+message , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show()